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A Simple Matter of Hope and Joy by Nathan Menoian is a Binge-Worthy Book Festival pick #christianfiction #inspirationalfiction #christianromance #bingeworthy #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: A Simple Matter of Hope and Joy


Author: Nathan Menoian


Genre: Christian fiction


Book Blurb: 


Eric David Matthews can’t imagine why God would select him for anything. He’s a longtime business owner with no interest in the Creator of the Universe, and no remaining zest for life. Unexpectedly, he meets a woman of devout faith who tells him what Jesus has done in her life.   In quick order, Eric turns his middle-aged and mundane life over to God. He soon finds himself in a whirlwind of divinely-guided activity, discovering that the Lord will and can use anyone - young or old. Though the weeks and months ahead aren’t all smooth sailing, Eric remains ever-faithful as he experiences love, joy, sorrow, fear, and rejuvenation. One demanding and persistent question keeps racing through his heart: Does God have a specific calling in mind for him? At just the right time, Eric receives the answer he’s been looking for, along with a brand-new zest for life.




A barrage of powerful thunderclaps shook me awake. It was 5 a.m., an hour earlier than my usual ‘get-out-of-bed’ time. I loved the solitude of early-morning hours. Reading the Bible and praying were now first on my list of daily priorities. An uninterrupted hour with God was precious time.


The rainy morning became a special one, as God led me into a time of reflection. Not only was I thinking about the most current moments with Him, but also looking back. He brought me through heartache, sickness, despair, and delivered me from vices and habits. Needless to say, my heart was rejoicing.


And how could I ever overlook thanking Him for Marsha? Her sincere kindness and tenderness made me a better man. She always let me be myself. To say I loved her so soon after meeting her, well, that might be a slight exaggeration.


But deep in my heart, I knew I was in love with her. I fought it, denied it, and hid from it. I was running out of breath on the matter, and growing afraid of what God might be trying to tell me. I had been covering up my spiritual ears, so to speak. If God said stop pursuing her, I wasn’t sure what my reaction might be.


Marsha did retire from teaching. And as she had earlier shared with me, God led her to begin a ministry encouraging single mothers in the Lord. It was well-received and grew throughout the area.


Not forgetting her promise to have lunch with me, Marsha called to set a day for us to meet. We talked with ease and laughed together through lunch. In the back of my mind was the near-impossible decision I was going to have to deal with.


I noticed something wonderful about Marsha that afternoon. Whenever she smiled, her eyes were hard-fixed on me. It was tough to ignore that. A bit later, as we stood alongside our cars, slowly saying goodbye for the day, a wave of adrenaline surged through me. Quite suddenly I made a move.


Without realizing what I was doing, I took hold of Marsha’s right hand and asked if she would marry me. As soon as the words left my mouth, I expected her to laugh and shut me down cold. Like a guilty man at the scene of a crime, I wanted to run fast away. I couldn’t, my legs went weak.


Marsha must have been in shock. Her eyes were glazed. It seemed a terribly long-moment before she responded. Her right hand was still in mine.


I wanted to take back my proposal, offering her a quick chance to flee away and still drive home a single woman. Whatever was going to happen next was up to her. Nothing I could do at that point would make any difference.


She began smiling and crying at the same time. I held my breath as she reached out to take hold of my other hand, and breathlessly exclaim, “Yes!”


I was stunned, perhaps as much as she had been when I asked her to marry me. And then, without my even asking her, Marsha repeated herself.


“Yes!” Her eyes were dancing and happy. There was no hesitation, no cautious tone in her voice, nor any change in posture as she stood straight and tall in front of me. In one beautiful moment, Marsha agreed to become my wife.


We stood there hugging, almost dancing and almost cheering. My hold on her was tight. She wasn’t letting go either. It was a precious happening for both of us.


Marsha’s outpouring of joy was more than I could have imagined. Her blue eyes were flooded with tears. Pulling a tissue from her jacket pocket, she dabbed them dry.


“Well, what do you think?” she asked, nearly out of control. I was speechless. We hugged again. I was more than just happy. I was elated! This time we both knew what had just happened. It was a miracle. Even without having a list of reasons why, I loved her.


Marsha took a moment to lean back in my arms. “For years, I’ve been praying for a husband,” she said. “You are the answer to my prayer. God brought us together for a purpose. What a miracle this is for both of us!”


I don’t know how many minutes passed before we caught our breath and knelt down next to each other in the parking lot. At that moment, her exuberant words were all I remember.


“Thank you, Father! Thank you! Knit our hearts together and lay your hand upon our lives from this moment forward. May we serve and honor you as man and wife. Thank you, Lord Jesus! Amen!”


Another year would pass before this beautiful woman and I would stand together at an altar and pledge our love and our lives to each other, and to Almighty God!


Buy Links: (including Goodreads and BookBub):


Available in digital, print, and audiobook.










What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?


The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair. The story is a powerful and emotional journey into an important period of time in our country- focusing on an immigrant family in the early 1900’s.


The book, with its explosive details and heartbreaking tragedies, helped bring about needed passage of new Federal health and work environment laws in the meat packing industry and beyond.


What makes your featured book a binge-worthy read?   


Through the two main characters, who know much about the ups and downs of life, readers are given access to their thoughts, prayers, and heartfelt emotions as they each experience real life occurrences.


Eric and Marsha, both middle-aged professionals, allow God’s hand to lead and guide them through some tough personal decisions. The end result is worth the journey.  


With stress and tension swirling around us at an all-time high, it’s comforting to have something to help take our eyes off the daily troubles, and help us focus on better days ahead.  For anyone wanting to live life to the fullest - there is hope!


The main theme is that we all can discover true hope and joy from the perspective of a loving God.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs August 1 – 31, 2024


Drawing will be held on September 2, 2024.


Author Biography:


I was born in Michigan to parents of Armenian descent, and attended public schools in Dearborn and West Bloomfield. Flying kites, bike riding, and participating in neighborhood baseball games were part of my youth; with teamwork a valuable life-lesson I learned as a sprinter on my middle-school track team.


At 19, I joined the U.S. Navy. Afterward, I enrolled in college earning a Journalism Degree from Oakland University. It was there that I invited Jesus Christ into my heart, becoming a born-again Christian.


Throughout my years as a writer: from newspaper reporting, writing editorials, spending twelve years in the Adverting Department with a national discount retailer, publishing a monthly business magazine, and handling a variety of freelance work, I’ve been the recipient of many blessings, friends, and challenging opportunities.


Both of my sons are successful in their chosen careers. Michigan remains my home, and authoring this book is a proud highlight in my writing experiences.


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