Title: Sins of Our Sons
Author: Kristian Daniels
Genre: Gay Coming of Age, Gay Fiction, LGBTQIA Romance
Book Blurb:
Young lovers Greg and Tyler secretly meet to spend time together, until a moment of passion by the moonlight throws their lives into chaos. When their parents learn about their little escapade, it opens a Pandora’s box that spreads family discord, resentment, and heartaches. When someone adds fuel to an already fragile situation, things get out of hands quickly. Will these two young lovers stay safe? How much can they endure before they break?
My Review:
One night of passion leads two young lovers down a slippery slope of bitterness, deceit, and betrayal. Greg and Tyler are young and in love. They keep their relationship a secret from everyone, especially their parents. They sneak off for clandestine meetings and it all seems so innocent until one fateful night. Greg and Tyler don’t know what to do or how to make their parents understand. Suddenly, what was beautiful is now dirty and unclean. As they struggle to wade through a hurricane of resentment, distrust, and where they belong, a betrayal hits too close to home. Can they stay safe and together or will the sins of our sons destroy their relationship and love?
Sins of Our Sons is a moving coming-of-age story reaffirming the power of love. No matter what your view on gay love, Sins of Our Sons will make an impact on you. This book is character-driven and the main characters, Greg and Tyler, leap from the page and into your heart. Their relationship brings truth to what many gay couples go through. The anguish is poignantly portrayed through descriptive narration and deep POV. Kristian Daniels intricately details every aspect of what happens when someone comes out in a rural community. My heart ached for them over and over again. The other characters are well-portrayed and while I didn’t agree with their motives, they are in-line with views from parts of today’s society. A brilliant gay coming-of-age story that needs to be read by the masses, Sins of Our Sons will stick with you long after you finish reading. Highly recommend!
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it Now:
Nook https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sins-of-our-sons-kristian-daniels/1141449981?ean=2940166470409
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Author Biography:
Hello everyone, Kristian Daniel is my pen name. I’m a Canadian author and I’ve been writing stories for fun since I was twelve years old but only wrote my first novel just recently.
My stories are inspired by events that I read, lived and heard as well as what the LGBTQ+ community has gone through and is still going through unfortunately. Being part of this great community myself, I’d like through my stories try to demonstrate that LGBTQ people are normal people like everybody else with feelings and has the same needs as everyone in the world. The need to be themselves, loved, be loved and not be ostracized because of who they are and love. I also want to let young people know that it’s okay to love who you want, it’s okay to be who you are and not be who somebody else wants you to be or act.
I write from my heart and feel what every character feels in my stories.
To all my readers, thank you for reading my books and hopefully they have entertained you and took you to the worlds of my characters.
Social Media Links:
Website https://kristiandaniels.ca/
Reviewed by: Mrs. N