Title: Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles, and Lots and Lots of Noodles
Author: Steven Joseph
Genre: Children’s Picture Books, Children’s Humorous Fiction
Book Blurb:
Out of a world where crankiness reigns and cars run on sauerkraut comes a new invention: the SnoodleMobile, the brainchild of Herbie Snoodleman. Now cars are powered by noodles, and the delicious aroma produced fills everyone with happiness.
Only one person does not appreciate the success of Mr. Snoodleman’s invention: Sour Croodleman, the brains behind the once-popular KrautMobile. But when Croodleman decides to seek revenge on his business rival, the unexpected happens. (After all, when cars run on noodles, anything is possible.)
The newest children’s tale by author Steven Joseph invites readers of all ages to enter a world where imagination is king, and even the crankiest person can find happiness.
A note from the author:
On October 28, 1924, my mother, Rose Joseph, was born in a small town named Irshava in what is now Western Ukraine. She was a concentration camp survivor and emigrated afterward to the United States.
In memory of my mom who survived the horrors of war more than 75 years ago, I am donating 25% of all proceeds from the sale of my book Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles to the Ukrainian Crisis Relief Fund. Read a story about how creativity can make the world a better place and know that your purchase will help families in need, get to a better place.
My Review:
Irreverent and fun, hopeful and light, this is the recipe for an enjoyable book. A tasty little read many might top off with some parm! The pictures are worth a thousand words and bring this story to the rolling boil.
A reader with thyme on their hands will enjoy sitting down and devouring this book. There is some hunger to the hope of a cleaner future. This is something all can appreciate with a full stomach.
The writing is done in a light poetic style that simply flows like marinara over spaghetti. There is a plateful of message with a nice side of humor. Definitely a full course worth of reading you can really fill yourself with!
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it Now:
25% of all proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the Ukrainian Crisis Relief Fund!
Author Biography:
Steven Joseph is an attorney, father, marathon runner and humorist. He’s gone from writing comprehensive legal briefs to penning award-winning fiction and nonfiction books for children and adults.
Being a son of a Holocaust Survivor, Steven recognizes and celebrates his Jewish heritage. Most of his writing is based on the concept of survival, which was ubiquitous in the household he grew up in, and acknowledgment which, he learned through his zen practice. As a crankiness expert, Steven can help you manage your emotions, embrace your crankiness, and improve communication with friends and family.
Steven is the author of the Mom’s Choice Award-winning The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris and The Crankatsuris Method: A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankinessthat , and the forthcoming Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles, and Lots and Lots of Noodles.
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Reviewed by: Mr. N