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  • N. N. Light

Meet Suzanne Winslow and her trio of romances #authorspotlight #bookboost #ku #romance

My name is Suzanne Winslow and I am the author of the contemporary firefighter romance series Smoke and Fire and Theo, Book Nine, Last Man Standing series. I love reading romance novels too. It started with Judy Bloom’s Forever in the seventies and I’ve been hooked ever since. Books have always been a huge part of my life. My younger sister and I had to be told “no reading at the table” because we would always try to hide a book on our laps to read during dinner. Years later, my kids tried the same trick and we told them to put their books away, but secretly, I was proud of them.

After raising four children and a nearly twenty year career in higher education, I get to write the kinds of stories I love to read—contemporary romance with relatable characters, unsung heroes, and true-to-life stories. Nurses, teachers, firefighters, and Marines top my current list of champions, with many more to come. I get to read a lot more now too. When I find a book about strong, brave characters with hidden vulnerabilities and a secret passion, I will stay up all night long to finish it. I know how to binge read with the best of you!

When I’m not reading or writing, I’m usually planning a road trip away from our Upstate New York home. My father lives in Southern California and our kids are scattered across the United States like fairy dust. I try to get out and see all of them at least twice a year. And if I get a chance to spend a little more time in California in the winter, all the better! In the summertime, I love to hang out on the lake on the weekends. At home, I help my husband with his vegetable and herb gardens—mostly by sipping coffee or wine while I weed a half-dozen different raised beds. Coffee is my all-time favorite beverage and if you follow me on social media, you’ll see the different homemade coffee recipes I’ve tried, plus a few visits to my favorite coffee shops. Anything chocolate is my favorite dessert, especially cake, and rescuing dogs and cats is a passion I’ve proudly passed on to my children. Riding a horse and inside a firetruck are bucket list goals. I have an inexplicable love for goats and barns, moose and buffalo, all of which are contradictory to my lifelong goal of living in New York City. My husband, on the other hand, is on a vigilant search for twenty acres to live on in the middle of nowhere. The suburbs are our compromise.

No matter if you love your rural country store or NYC Metro Card, I invite you to join me on all of my fictional romantic adventures filled with love, courage, and happily-ever-after’s.

Title Burned

Author Suzanne Winslow

Genre Contemporary romance

Book Blurb

Where there’s smoke there’s fire…

Third grade teacher Jenifer Nichols is getting her life back on track. The widowed single mother has worked hard to regain her pride and independence while carrying the guilt of her estranged husband’s death. Her new home in Grand Rapids provides a fresh start for her and her six-year-old son. Jenifer no longer believes in happy endings, but sparks ignite when the handsome firefighter across the street saves her son from a terrible accident.

Career firefighter Matthew Barnes missed the kind of childhood other kids had. Proud of his job protecting others, he longs to have a family, but a childhood accident means he can't have kids of his own. Then, just as sparks are turning into flames with Jenifer, his past suddenly threatens to turn his dreams of a bright future into ashes.


“Hey,” Matt said, his voice a little rough around the edges, but still the most wonderful sound in the world to her.

Jenifer’s eyes welled up as she went to stand next to his bed. Her body deflated as any semblance of courage and strength crumbled. The reality of almost losing him struck her hard.

He sent her a weak smile. “Come here.”

She started to kiss his forehead, but he lifted his face and found her lips. “You scared me today.”

He put his hand on her cheek. “Helluva day.”

“Does this happen often?”

“No.” He sank back against his pillow. She sat in the chair beside him, holding his hand. He looked almost the same as he had when she’d kissed him goodbye yesterday morning. His face and hands were clean, but he still smelled of smoke and sweat like Nate and the others. He was unmarked, without any tubes or wires, and she felt her fear begin to subside.

His eyes closed. She sat back to let him sleep, and he squeezed her hand. “I love you.” His voice was barely above a whisper when his head lolled to the side.

“I love you,” she whispered back, even though he had fallen asleep. She folded her arms on the edge of the bed and laid down her head, still holding his hand. She hoped he remembered what he had said. But if he didn’t, that was all right. Because he was there—alive and whole, and hers.

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Title Bail Out

Author Suzanne Winslow

Genre Contemporary romance

Book Blurb

Once he made up his mind, there was no changing it back …

At sixteen, Rachel Miller fell in love with her brother's best friend. Eleven years her senior, Nate Doyle never gave her a second look. Nine years later, nothing's changed—the handsome firefighter still keeps her at an arm's length.

Raised in a traditional Irish family, Nate respects commitment. So much so that he has no intention of going down that road again. His relationships are measured in weeks or months, which makes his best friend’s sister off limits.

After watching Rachel get her heart broken again, Nate is no longer willing to stand on the sidelines. It means he must become a different man, if only Rachel can see the changes he's made. This time, it's too important to bail out.


A small knot tightened in Nate’s gut when Rachel’s gaze flicked to his ball cap. She used to steal it off his head and run away, taunting him. He couldn’t help wishing she would do it again. Would he chase her now? Probably. Would it lead to any good? No, probably not. A hookup with his buddy’s little sister wasn’t going to happen. Relationships were messy, and he’d just as soon not risk anything like that again.

But he wanted, even needed something with Rachel. “Can I ask you a question?”

She nodded and crossed her arms over her stomach. Her expression turned cynical, as if to remind him that she’d wanted to talk yesterday, and he told her no.

“Are we still friends?”

Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t know. Is that what you want?”

“Is it not enough?” The second he asked the question, he wanted to take it back. He’d never encouraged her to admit her feelings for him before. It didn’t matter that his feelings for her had changed. She deserved better than him and the question was unfair.

She grinned and shook her head, then turned her back on him and got into her car. After leaning her arm on the open window, she rolled her beautiful blue eyes at him. “Don’t be so full of yourself, Nate Doyle. I got over you a long time ago.”

Well done, he thought. That was exactly the response he deserved.

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Title Theo, Book 9, Last Man Standing

Author Suzanne Winslow

Genre Contemporary romance

Book Blurb

Theo Thomas chose his aviation career over love. A confirmed bachelor, he’s the last unmarried man among his closest peers. When a Southern California heat wave coincides with a power outage, he’s forced to his friends’ house. He’s surprised to discover their house sitter is the woman who’d forged his opinion on marriage seventeen years ago.

Chief Information Officer Emma Wilson never gave up on love, but try as she might, she hasn’t found anything close to what she felt for Theo—despite hard feelings on both sides. When a new job takes her back to California, she dreads the possibility of seeing him again. So of course, fate lands him right on her doorstep.

As grudges fade and resentment slowly turns to forgiveness, Theo sees life offering him a second chance, but Emma isn’t a starry-eyed girl anymore. She’s a woman who knows her worth, and this time, Theo will have to fight for what he wants.


A familiar, unexpected voice asked, “Is everything okay?”

Theo’s heart punched in his chest. “Emma?”


Officer Perez narrowed his eyes at Theo. “Do you two know each other?”

He couldn’t believe she’d called the cops. “Her name’s Emma Wilson. She knows the people who live here too.”

“How many people have keys to this house?”

Theo shrugged. At least one more than he knew.

A few seconds passed before Emma came outside ahead of the other police officer. She wore an emerald green bikini, a silver naval piercing, and pale pink polish on her toes. Her hair was shorter and straighter than he remembered. It was pulled back into a ponytail the same chestnut brown as the eyes that still occasionally featured in his dreams. As she got closer, he looked away, but not before glimpsing more of her than he had seen in a very long time. She stopped a few feet away, clicking her fingernails, avoiding eye contact with him too. He didn’t blame her. Not after what he’d said the last time they were together. Last he knew, she was an IT director in Detroit. When their eyes finally met, she folded her arms over her stomach, trying to cover herself. All the movement did was show off her cleavage. His eyebrows lifted at her futile effort.

She glared at him.

Perez frowned. “Is everything okay?”

Theo answered yes the same time as Emma.

“Okay, then.” Perez held out his hand. “Let’s see your driver’s licenses.”

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Author Biography

Suzanne and her husband call Upstate New York home. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s often planning a road trip, or if it’s summertime, hanging out at the lake. Connecting with readers through TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and newsletters is a favorite pastime.

For more information about Suzanne and her books,

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