Title The Bee that Waved at Me: A Story About Finding Purpose
Author Jenny Alexander
Genre Children’s Book
Book Blurb
What if you could live a purposeful life despite disabilities and limitations? If that describes you or someone you love, Mr. Bee’s whimsical journey will offer encouragement that what might seem impossible, is well within reach.
The bee waved at me. What a sight to see. I stepped closer, thinking I imagined it. The bee waved again.
I decided to wave back. “Come closer, wee one,” the bee said.
Wow, a bee that talks and waves! I took two more steps. Only two, because I couldn’t get any closer.
“Do I look okay to you?” The bee spoke again.
I studied him from head to toe. He looked marvelous to me. “You ’re part of God’s beautiful creation.”
A tear slid down the bee ’s face. “But my stinger doesn’t work.”
Buy Links
Amazon.com: The Bee That Waved at Me: A Story About Finding Purpose eBook : Alexander, Jenny: Kindle Store
Author Biography
This is Jenny Alexander’s first children’s book. She’s published several for adults as well as word searches for various ages. She is a retired secretary who has been pursuing creative interests like drawing, painting, writing, and playing the violin. She lives in Ontario with her husband Curtis.
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Thank you, Jenny, for sharing your delightful children's book with our readers!