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The Chalice by P.L. Parker is a Binge-Worthy Festival pick #sciencefiction #romance #scifi #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: The Chalice

Author: P.L. Parker

Genre: Scifi romance

Book Blurb:

Decimated by the savage Deg’Nara and teetering on the brink of extinction, the last surviving males of the once great Chiagan-Se embark on a quest to salvage what is left of their civilization. They send their remaining seeker ships into the void, searching for genetically compatible females. Time is running out, but in the far reaches of the universe, a match is discovered.

One thousand panic-stricken women awaken years in the future, aboard an unmanned alien spacecraft bound for parts unknown.

The males thought they came willingly. The females believed they’d been kidnapped. Full of hopeful expectation, the males prepare for the arrival of their new mates. Terrified and furious, the women prepare for combat and when the two sides meet, the battle commences.


Startled, Tegan gazed across a sea of female heads. Skin and hair of a hundred different shades drew his amazed attention. He’d not envisioned such a vast array of colors. Unheard of among the Chiagan-Se. But what were they doing? They appeared to be studying the wall beyond, but it was just a wall, plain and unadorned. Hardly worth their undivided attention.

Beneath his feet, Tegan felt subtle movement as the ship left orbit, programmed to depart when the Chiagan-Se were safely aboard. He experienced a slight flash of vertigo and then his system righted, adjusting to the variables of time and space. He drew a deep breath, relishing the coming journey, away from this place of misery and death. It’d been too long since he’d last ventured into the stars, and the ninth planet of Croumus would take at least half a revolution to reach if all went well. But sneaking through the Deg’Nara’s outpost sensors would take all the skill the Chiagan-Se possessed.

“What is this?” Mordaq leveled a perplexed look at the females. “What do they stare at?”

“Perhaps it’s a cultural form of greeting.” Shagal murmured, head tilted as he regarded the scene. “Though it seems rather unfriendly.”

Vaux consulted his hand-reader. “Nothing about a form of greeting such as this. There’s reference to clasping hands and some sort of mouth touching, but not this.” He shrugged, mystified. “I have no idea.”

“Mouth touching?” Shagal scrubbed his lips, concerned. “Why would they indulge in such an unsanitary practice? Do they bite?”

“It is practiced as a form of tenderness for a loved one such as we do on the neck and cheeks. I do not see the benefit, but Kormak believed it is a necessary evil if we are to succeed with these females.”

“You might have mentioned this before.” Tegan scowled at the tech, annoyed by the oversight. “Knowing how to do such a thing would have aided our cause.”

“Perhaps you should say something,” Mordaq pushed him forward. “Say one of the greetings Kormak indicated we should use.”

“As my bodyguard, perhaps you should be the one.” He didn’t savor the idea of speaking the words aloud. The nuances were hard to form, guttural and primitive. He felt like a fool even attempting such a feat.

“Well, someone has to say something,” Shagal exclaimed. “We can’t stand here staring at the wall as well.”

“As my counselor, perhaps the duty should be yours.”

Shagal blanched, mouth drooping down. “I’m not your counselor. You only want me to speak so you don’t have to.”

“My father’s counselors always spoke first,” Tegan reminded him, striving to sound convincing. “The King never speaks first until it is warranted.”

“Didn’t you tell me that we are all equals in this brave new venture.” Mordaq’s lips quirked at the reminder. “We’re all equal.”

Curse my mindless remarks! “If we’re all equal, then I’m no more obligated to speak than are you.”

Vaux exhaled, growling under his breath. “I suppose it’s up to me. As the son of an ambassador to the outer rims, that makes me the closest thing we have to an envoy.” His irritated glare raked the bystanders. “If they attack, I expect your support. I do not wish to die by the hand of an alien female.”

One last look at his hand-reader, Vaux inched closer to the females. He cleared his throat, glancing over his shoulder at the expectant throng. He looked as uncomfortable as Tegan felt.

Nervous and awkward, Vaux opened his mouth. “Heh-woe,” he called out.


Heh-woe? What the hell was heh-woe?

“What’s he saying?” Dread murmured.

“Just don’t acknowledge him.” Anne’s slim hand sliced the air. “Keep to the program.”

Ahead of her, Kara studied the body language of the others. Some hunched, some sat up straighter while others cringed as if expecting to be beaten. The nape of her neck tingled, the shorter hairs standing on end. Itchy tingles ran up her spine, like spiders crawling across her backside. Breathing in shallow pants, she froze, waiting for something—anything to happen.

Nearby, Moira kept up the whining, a nerve-wracking droning hum. Might have to strangle her! Sniffles and soft sobs came from other directions. The strain of the inaction was tearing at their resolve.

How long could they keep this up before the breeders grew impatient?

The male voice, deep and melodious, called out again. “Heh-woe ert goos.”

They were trying to communicate. The breeders were trying to communicate! It sounded like hello Earth whatever—sort of.

“They’re talking to us,” Kara whispered. “Maybe one of us should say something.”

Dread bent forward just an inch. “You volunteering?”

“I just said one of us—doesn’t have to be me.” Last thing she wanted to do was stand up and turn around. Might go blind from the shock. Besides, why should she be the sacrificial lamb?

She could hear Anne’s deep inhale. “Maybe the five of us together should stand up.”

“I am vith you,” Hanna said. “Ven you are ready, say the vord.”

Ume leaned forward, tilting her head to face them. “When we stand up, move into a tight semi-circle. We can protect each other easier that way.”

“You sure we should do this?” Kara groaned. An anxiety attacked pounded at her temples. “I’m perfectly content just to sit here.”

“Heh-woe ert goos,” the voice tried again.

She heaved a sigh. At least the breeders weren’t acting hostile. Might as well get it over with. “Who’s going to do the talking.”

“We leave it to you, O Great Leader,” Dread voice sounded amused. “Besides, we can afford to lose you, not the rest of us. We need Anne’s smarts and our fighting skills. Hate to say it, but you’re expendable.”

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What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?

My first binge-worthy book was The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. I’ve always loved history about old England, the many conquests, etc., and I suspect I’ve read this book 20 times over the years. Even having read this book so many times, I still thrill to the heat between Aislinn and the Norman warlord, Wolfgar. A novel rich in history and seen from the perspective of the conquered.

What makes your featured book a binge-worthy read?

Alien abduction? Alien love? Do we all harbor a secret wish to meet that sexy alien and escape the bounds of planet Earth? Maybe. Maybe not. But Kara isn’t given the choice. Life as she knows it takes an outrageous about-face. The good side is Tegan is every woman’s dream. Love might have a rocky start but it does grow.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon gift card

Open internationally.

Runs August 1 – 31, 2023.

Drawing will be held on September 1, 2023.

Author Biography:

P.L. Parker was born and raised in Idaho where she lives with her three sons, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. She is an amateur Squatcher and can be found at times in the wilds of Idaho with her oldest son looking for the elusive creature.

Ms. Parker writes stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. Science fiction and time travel are her genres of choice but she has tried her hands at paranormal. Besides her stand-alone novels, she has three series: The Chimeras and The Star Brides, science fiction romances, and Time Warriors, time travel romances.

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