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The Dance by Grea Warner is a Spring Break Bookapalooza pick #newadult #womensfiction #99cents #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: The Dance


Author: Grea Warner


Genre: New Adult/Women’s Fiction


Book Blurb:


Stepping onto the ice was frightening. Doing so required trust … and not just that of her feet. It also involved Cate’s head and heart. Trusting meant she had to forget what happened in the past.


At twenty-two years old, Cate Lentz is starting to understand Noah’s comparison of skating to a dance. The same, she realizes, can be said about life itself. You have to release the walls surrounding you in order to feel light and free. You also need the right partner. With the NHL rookie at her side, Cate is beginning to see a new and exciting life-canvas in front of her—similar to the paintings she creates in her art studio.


But as smooth as ice is, everyone tumbles and falls sometimes. When her ex, Leo, makes a reappearance in Cate’s life, his mental instability creates such turmoil and heartache that it’s hard for her to stand back up. Can she find a way to dance again after tragedy strikes?


Pulling at heartstrings and dealing with realistic issues, The Dance is a gripping tale that travels the reader back to the year 1980. This emotional story will leave you with a true appreciation for being both independently strong but also grateful for those who are by your side … no matter what.




A legit shiver ran along my arms, despite the summer night providing way too much heat for such an act. I couldn’t stop looking at him. Leo had my full attention and inquiry. What was he doing at the gallery? What was he doing in town? What was he even doing in the state? He wasn’t from Maryland. Neither was his family. And it wasn’t where we met … not even close.


“Why?” I managed to get the question out, despite my brain becoming suddenly quite scattered.


At the same time as Leo answered with, “Got a job here,” Noah cleared his throat, and I noted he was trying to close the gap my drifting legs had started to create between the two of us.


Leo pierced his uniquely light eyes in Noah’s direction. When looking back at me, though, they regained the larger size I recalled. I also noticed Leo’s normally longer, golden brown hair was cropped tight to his face and darker in color … perhaps because of the cut.


“A new gaming start-up company,” my ex continued. “Top-of-the-line tech. Great people to work with … a lot of young guys but money, too. It’s the best.”


According to Leo, everything always seemed to be “the best” when it came to him. Still, it was a surprise that he landed such a great job. While he did have both an artistic and detailed mind, I didn’t think he had even graduated from college. Although, we hadn’t seen each other in almost a year.


I shook the thoughts from my brain. “Oh.”


“Your shop, right?” Leo nodded toward the gallery. “Thought we would catch up.”


“Well, it’s pretty late,” I argued.


It was only about nine. But like the word far when it came to hiking paths, late was also subject to individual interpretation. One thing I knew for sure was, it felt like a long time standing there talking with him.


Noah, perhaps sensing my unease, was flitting his fingertips with mine, trying to get me to reclaim his hand, but I held back. “Uh, maybe you can talk another time?” he suggested to the man who had interrupted our beautiful evening.


Kind of dismissing Noah, Leo put the decision on me. “Catheren?”


Damn, I hated that version of my name. He said it every …  single … time.


“I’ll call you,” I offered.


“Yeah?” Leo still hadn’t moved—not his hands nor his feet. When I nodded, he said, “Soon then?”


“Uh, yeah, sure.” But I crossed my fingers behind my back. I wondered if Noah noticed and if in Canada that symbol also meant that someone was lying.


“You don’t have my number.”


“Oh, right.” I knew I wouldn’t be writing mine on a napkin for Leo, that was for sure.


“Here. Here.” He produced a piece of paper from his pocket. “I was going to put it in the gallery’s mailbox, but then you …” He pierced his eyes at Noah again. “Here you are.”


Leo took the couple of steps closer to me, and our eyes locked decisively. There was so, so much between us. My insides clenched.


Glancing at the paper, I mentally acknowledged it was, indeed, a local number. And I resigned myself to the fact of his new residency. “Okay. Um, Noah and I need to go.”


There weren’t any “nice seeing you agains” between us or “nice meeting yous” between the men. The fact was, I hadn’t even introduced them. Although, I was pretty sure both guys understood each other’s role in my life. There was only silence as Noah opened the passenger door for me and then walked around the car to get into his side. Leo stood once again against the gallery wall with his hands shoved into his front pockets.


As we drove farther away, the image of my ex in the rearview mirror got to the small point in a perspective drawing known as the vanishing point. Even though I could no longer see him, I knew he was not gone. I could definitely sense him … and I wanted that to go away, too.


Like a near savage, I tore out the elastic band holding back my hair and flung it out the window. It was cathartic but not what I needed most. “Noah … hand.” It came out part demand, part plea, as I extended my left arm in his direction.


Silent until then, he looked over at me, paused for a beat, and then spoke softly but poignantly. “You didn’t want it a few minutes or so ago.”


     Oh, man. In addition to the unnerving feeling of the unexpected encounter with Leo, I was emotionally toppled knowing I had, unwillingly, hurt Noah. “I’m sorry. It wouldn’t have gone over well with him, but, believe me, I did. You have no idea how mu—” As I started the last word, his hand encapsulated mine protectively, as if we were on ice and I was in danger of falling down a hill at the same time.


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):


Grab an e-copy on sale for only 99 cents!






GOODREADS: Grea_Warner



If money were no object, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?


If money were no object, I would hire a personal bus and driver to take me and my loved ones across the US and Canada. We would have numerous stops along the way including some concerts and hockey games.


Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?


No matter your age, nationality, or what decade you grew up in, there are moments in life that stop us all. Some are beautiful and breathtaking, while others are tragic and test everything you have in you. In THE DANCE, the reader experiences these highs and lows through the eyes of the main character, Cate Lentz. Fresh out of college, hers is a story I have wanted to tell for a while, having known people suffering like Leo and someone who went through a similar situation as Cate. It is a story of love. It is a story of strength. It is a story of family. It is a story of resiliency. If you like emotional, realistic, character-driven novels, you must read this five + star rated book today.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $25 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs April 1 – 30, 2024


Drawing will be held on May 1, 2024.


Author Biography:


Drama, angst, and realistic storylines … be prepared for a few tears shed and an emotional rollercoaster when you read a novel by Grea Warner. With a background in daytime dramas, Grea is able to beautifully weave characters and storylines together so that you’ll become completely immersed in the journey the book takes you on. At home in the Women’s Fiction and New Adult genres, these serials and standalones are great for binge reading and book club discussions!


Be the first to know … follow this Amazon best-selling, award-winning author to find out when there is a new release, preorder, or discount!


Social Media Links:


Instagram: greawarner

Twitter/X: @grea_warner


©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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