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  • N. N. Light

The Devil You Know by @mjschiller is a Celebrate Weddings pick #romance #romcom #weddings #giveaway


Author: M.J. Schiller

Genre: Romance/RomCom/Chick Lit

Book Blurb:

Zoe McCord has a crush on Zack. Only one problem—he’s been her best friend and neighbor since she was little. How do you make a guy see you as more than just the girl next door? Is it ever possible to find your way out of the friend zone?

Zack Isaaccs has always thought Zoe was cute. But when did she become so hot? He can’t believe he’s even having thoughts like that about his best friend. Is there any chance that Zoe feels the same way?

But when trouble is coming at the McCord family from all sides, will it bring Zack and Zoe closer together, or rip them apart?

No one can hurt you quite like THE DEVIL YOU KNOW….


I would recognize that obnoxious voice anywhere.

Bill, my ex, stumbled forward, twirling a nearly empty champagne glass. I could tell it wasn't his first alcoholic beverage of the day. "I want to congratulate you on your wedding. I hope this one goes better than your last."

I was so mad I could spit. "Yeah. You and I both."

Some clueless waiter walked by with a tray and offered Bill a glass, which he snatched up instantly.

"Dude!" Kyle held his arms out from the sides of his body, staring at the waiter, who seemed to now realize something was amiss.

He shrugged, his face coloring. "Sorry."

I decided to use a more direct approach. I plucked the champagne flute out of Bill's hand and threw the contents out onto the lawn. "Uh-uh. You aren't Garth Brooksing me today, Bill."

He appeared confused, which is how he generally looked. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Friends in Low Places," Kyle and Dani said at the same time.

Bill stared at them with his brow furrowed. "I repeat, what the hell are you talking about?"

Kyle and Dani looked at each other. He gave her a nod and Dani answered. "Garth Brooks is the asshole who shows up at his ex's wedding to cause a scene."

"Exactly." Kyle took a step in his direction. "I think it's time you leave."

Bill swayed. "You want me to leave, little referee boy?" He rubbed his hands together. "The roughing I'll give you will be totally worth the game misconduct."

"Okay. Let's see about that." They closed the gap between each other, jaws tight and eyes snapping.

"Hold it." Everyone turned to Tucker.

Now Kyle looked confused. "What? I'm kicking his ass. He deserves it."

"No. You'll mess up your tux. I'll kick his ass." He moved near Kyle.

Kyle held up his hands, his brow wrinkled. "But you're wearing a tux, too."

Tucker's gaze dipped to his shirtfront. "Oh yeah." He removed his suit jacket and handed it to Dani, who looked like she wanted to say something, but shut her mouth. He talked to Kyle as he rolled his sleeves up. "But you don't want a black eye for the wedding pictures."

"Dude," Kyle said, exasperated. "You're in the wedding pictures, too."

The crowd parted as Ryan elbowed his way to the front, stepping over to his father. "How about me, then? I ain't wearing no tux, and I ain't going to be in no pictures." He jutted his chin out.

"Ryan." I was both horrified and... proud.

But Ryan wasn't done talking. "Why don't you just leave her the hell alone? You messed up her life. She put it back together and made it far better than anything she ever had with you. Leave her the hell alone!"

Panic rushed through me and I moved between them. "Okay. Okay. No one's getting dirty here or getting any black eyes." To be honest, I wanted a piece of Bill, but I thought it might be bad luck in my wedding gown. "Bill," I said distinctly, "is leaving."

His jaw was tight as he stared down his great big Italian schnoz at me, but he lifted his gaze a fraction. I could feel Tucker and Kyle move behind me. Bill slowly lifted his arms out to the sides. "Okay, Sammy. Have it your way. I'll leave." He turned around to grab another flute from a tray, but this time the waiter dodged him.

Bill held up a finger, shaking it at the waiter and chuckling. "Uh-uh-uh."

I saw it coming, but I was helpless to stop it. Bill grabbed the edge of a tablecloth at the cake table and kept walking, not looking back as the cake, plates, and candelabras crashed to the ground. Kyle about took off after him, but Tucker clamped his hand around Kyle's forearm. "This is your wedding. Your one and only wedding. And he's not worth bruising your knuckles over."

Tucker's words sounded distorted. I put a hand over my stomach. Cold sweat dripped out of every pore and my knees buckled.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

99¢ FOR A LIMITED TIME at Amazon only!

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Sam and Kyle’s wedding is a catastrophe, of sorts. But Kyle is such a sweetheart; he improvises and saves the day. In a later book he re-proposes to her and re-enacts the wedding and reception, believing Sam is owed that, and it comes off flawlessly. They’re both pretty special events and were some of my favorite scenes to write.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $20 Amazon US or Amazon Canada gift card

Open Internationally. You must have an active Amazon US or CA account to win.

Runs June 15 – June 23, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on June 24, 2022.

Author Biography:

Bestselling author M.J. Schiller is a retired lunch lady/romance-romantic suspense writer. She enjoys writing novels whose characters include rock stars, desert princes, teachers, futuristic Knights, construction workers, cops, and a wide variety of others. In her mind everybody has a romance. She is the mother of a twenty-six-year-old and three twenty-four-year-olds. That's right, triplets! She likes to escape from life on occasion by pretending to be a rock star at karaoke. However…you won’t be seeing her name on any record labels soon.

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