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  • N. N. Light

The Mistress of Rosings Park: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary by Regina Jeffers is a Historical Fiction/Romance Event pick #historicalromance #mustread #giveaway


The Mistress of Rosings Park: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary



Regina Jeffers



Pastiche Fiction; British historical literature; variation; adaptation; classic historical fiction; Regency romance; clean romance; fiction romance


Book Blurb:


I much prefer the sharp criticism of a single intelligent man

to the thoughtless approval of the masses. - Johannes Kepler


When she arrives at Hunsford Cottage for a visit with her long-time friend Charlotte Collins, Elizabeth Bennet does not expect the melodrama awaiting her at Rosings Park.


Mrs. Anne Darcy, nee de Bourgh, has passed, and Rosings Park is, by law, the property of the woman’s husband, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy; yet, Lady Catherine de Bourgh is not ready to abandon the mansion over which she has served as mistress for thirty years. Elizabeth holds sympathy for her ladyship’s situation. After all, Elizabeth’s mother will eventually be banished from Longbourn when Mr. Bennet passes without male issue. She inherently understands Lady Catherine’s “hysterics,” while not necessarily condoning them, for her ladyship will have the luxury of the right to the estate’s dower house, and, moreover, it is obvious Rosings Park requires the hand of a more knowledgeable overseer. Therefore, Elizabeth takes on the task of easing Lady Catherine’s transition to dowager baronetess, but doing so places her often in the company of the “odious” Mr. Darcy, a man Lady Catherine claims poisoned her daughter Anne in order to claim Rosings Park as his own.


The Mistress of Rosings Park: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary - Best Cover Design, 2023 International Book Awards




At length, voices could be heard below. Elizabeth could not make out every word, but the occasional phrase reached her ears.


“The whole house is at sixes and sevens.”


“My aunt is still at home?”


“Assist with the packing.”


“Where is her ladyship?”


“An accident, sir.”


A murmured curse.


“Perhaps you might speak to Miss Bennet,” Mr. Sidney was saying.


Elizabeth did not wait to hear the gentleman’s response. Instead, she hurriedly grabbed a book from the shelf and rushed to be seated, pretending to read as she caught a steadying breath and stiffened her spine in preparation for her encounter with the oft-spoken-of Mr. Darcy. She settled her eyes on the page halfway through the first chapter, but did not carry her pretense of occupation as far as actually to read the book before her, but instead kept a sharper ear out for Mr. Darcy’s approach.


Even as she listened intently for the gentleman to make an appearance, Elizabeth considered how calm Mr. Darcy’s voice had sounded when he had heard of his aunt’s presence at Rosings Park, as if he had expected nothing less from her ladyship. He did not raise his voice until he learned of the accident. In reality, Elizabeth had expected him to be furious, allowing her to name his obvious control as an intolerable sort of arrogance. Her opinion, as was her way, had formed quickly, before she set eyes upon the man.


She had no time to present a name to any further impressions before Mr. Sidney announced, “Mr. Darcy, miss.”


Elizabeth’s idea of the gentleman’s arrogance was rather reinforced by the man’s appearance and the manner in which he carried himself. His presence filled the door, rather to say, it filled the empty room, despite its size.


Square jaw, displaying the shadow of a beard from his day’s travel rather than perfectly clean as if he were appearing in a lady’s drawing room. His skin had been darkened by the sun; apparently, he spent a great deal of time in the fields. Tall. He was a man who announced his place in the world simply by walking into a room. Although a bit wrinkled, his dark coat, as well as his tailored breeches and highly polished boots declared him a man of means. His presence was so strong, Elizabeth felt a jolt of recognition—an elemental sizzle running through her as she rose to greet the gentleman.


“Miss Bennet,” he said as he bowed properly. “I am to understand you have assumed the care of my aunt.”


“Not exactly, sir,” she said with a hint of a smile. She had no reason to smile at the man, for she was confident she did not like him, despite his handsome face; yet, it felt natural to smile upon him.


“Then perhaps you might explain exactly what is your role at Rosings Park,” he said rather coolly.


“If you believe, sir, that your aunt’s accident is some sort of hum to delay Lady Catherine’s removal from her home, you are sadly mistaken, Mr. Darcy. I have viewed her injuries myself. They are quite real.”


“If you stood witness,” Mr. Darcy continued in the same reserved tones as previously, “the account must be accurate.” He gestured to the seats. Elizabeth was not certain whether his remark was an insult or an observation, but she moved to the chair nevertheless. He continued, “Mayhap we might sit and you can explain your role at Rosings Park. Are you her ladyship’s companion? If so, you appear quite young for such an exalted position.”


Elizabeth fought hard not to frown, but knew she did not succeed. “Today is only my second visit to Rosings Park,” she said evenly.


“Yet, you believe it is your right to instruct her ladyship’s staff and sit in Lady Catherine’s library reading her books,” he accused.


Her expression must have displayed the nature of her objections to his insinuations, for the gentleman’s eyebrow rose in speculation.


“For your information, my cousin Mr. Collins holds the living associated with the baronetcy. I am a guest at Hunsford Cottage. I took your aunt’s acquaintance yesterday afternoon when I accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Collins to Rosings only to discover your aunt in a state of dudgeon as you have apparently ordered her from her home.”


Mr. Darcy’s eyebrows tugged together in obvious disapproval. “My dealings with Lady Catherine are none of your concern. You are nothing to my aunt; therefore, nothing to me.”


Elizabeth responded in her best imitation of Lord Matlock’s quelling tones. “As Lady Catherine has yet to relinquish control of this house to you, sir, I shall continue to act in her ladyship’s stead until she is in a position to do so for herself. Lady Catherine was set to remove to Bourgh House today, actually to be gone before your arrival. As her accident prevents her from doing so, you can have no doubt of the obvious necessity for a change in your plans. Permit me to suggest that you choose the local inn for your residency in Kent until the plans for Lady Catherine to accept Bourgh House can be renewed.”


She was satisfied with the calm in her voice and the command she portrayed in her words, but, infuriatingly, her visitor’s composure did not falter even one iota.


His reply proved equally unsatisfactory. “As I do not recognize your place of authority in this household,” he began in harsh civility, “I will make the decisions for this estate and this manor house, Miss Bennet. Until I have established a reliable steward who can execute the management of the estate’s affairs properly, I will be in residence at Rosings Park. You may return to Hunsford Cottage and your cousin. It will be my domain to oversee Lady Catherine’s care.”


Before she could organize her thoughts, the gentleman stepped to the door to present Mr. Sidney with orders. Elizabeth should have realized the butler had remained in the hall and had heard her exchange with Mr. Darcy and would, likely, carry the tale to those below stairs; however, she had not considered the obvious. Angry, as much with herself as she was the gentleman, Elizabeth groused beneath her breath, “Of all the arrogance!”


“I heard that,” Mr. Darcy said blandly from his place in the hall.


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Audible (Virtual Voice Narration)


What makes your featured book a must-read?


If a person loves all things Jane Austen, as I do, another tale of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet coming together is not a strain on the imagination. “What If?” tales take some of great literature’s favorite characters and place them in interesting circumstances. The writer of a “What If?” tale changes one or two moments in the original story and maneuvers the well known characters into an equally enjoyable ending as the original. Even so, these stories still captivate the reader’s imagination, with intriguing conflicts, unexpected twists, and a sense of progression that keeps them eager to turn the pages.


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $40 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.


Runs March 21 – April 2, 2024.


Winner will be drawn on April 3, 2024.


Author Biography:


Regina Jeffers writes books about corsets, rakes, daring heroines, dashing heroes and all aspects of the Georgian/Regency era. She is an award winning author of cozy mysteries, historical romantic suspense, and Austenesque vagaries. Jeffers has been a Smithsonian presenter and Martha Holden Jennings Scholar, as well as having her tales honored by, among others, the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense, the Frank Yerby Award for Fiction, the International Digital Awards, and the Chanticleer International Book Award.


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