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  • N. N. Light

Cover Reveal | The Right Knight by Barbara Bettis #medievalromance #historicalromance #coverreveal

It's time for another cover reveal here on Book Heaven. As many of you know, these are my favorite promos. I love covers. They feed my artistic soul. Barbara Bettis is an award-winning author and she's got an upcoming release I'm really excited about. So, without further ado, here's her cover.

Title The Right Knight

Author Barbara Bettis

Genre Medieval Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb

Marry the new lord or become the king’s ward; Annis wants a third choice.

After her father dies, Annis of Roxley fears King John will award her home to one of his pet mercenaries. Still, she’s unprepared for the knight who arrives carrying John’s order: Wed the new lord or become the king’s ward. If the new lord is anything like his disheveled representative, she’s better off –elsewhere.

Rushing to claim the castle John’s finally granted him, Sir Hugh reaches Roxley looking so unkempt, Annis takes him for a servant. Before he can reveal his identity, she disappears with her cousin. Hugh knows John rejected the cousin’s claim to Roxley. Will the knight defy royal decree and force Annis to marry? Not if Hugh can help it.


God’s toenails. Hugh huffed as his gaze followed the lady. She all but ran across the bailey.

“Martin,” he called to his captain. “Secure the walls and join me.” Then he took off after Lady Obstinate. Obstinate but beautiful with her snapping eyes and stubborn chin. He watched the sway of her hips appreciatively. Admired the way a sunbeam glinted off the chestnut curls swinging from beneath a short veil.

He quickened his pace, finally passing her. Some childish part of him had been determined to beat her to the doors.

Even that act of command was doomed. The damned latches didn’t work. He jaggled and waggled the handles. Nothing.

Then she caught up, performed some sleight of hand, and a door swung open. Muttering a curse about repairs, he followed. Behind him, Martin coughed, an exaggerated hack that let Hugh know his friend found the situation amusing.

He paused to wait for him.

Of all the holdings at John’s disposal, why did he saddle me with this particular castle and a blasted, contrary female?

Hugh had left London in triumph three days earlier, bound for the rich holding and the wife the king had promised him for service in the battles against France. He’d been so eager to reach his new home and bride, he’d not bothered to prepare himself before galloping up to the gates and demanding entrance in the name of King John.

Not even in the name of the new lord. Himself. Aargh!

And then to face this lady he’d been directed to marry.

She was the daughter of an old and trusted ally, John said.

A sweet young maiden, raised to know her duty, John said.


Perchance Hugh had taken a wrong turn at the last crossroads and this was not Roxley.

Perchance he’d wake from a nightmare brought on by too much ale and greasy pork at his favorite chop shop to find a golden-haired angel who clung to him in gratitude. Not this chestnut-haired, hazel-eyed, sharp-tongued…vision.

Perchance his fabled luck had deserted him. Come to recall, his luck held only in battle. He groaned. Best unearth his agreeable nature.

Ha! He was eminently agreeable. Ask any of his men.

Author Biography

Award-winning author Barbara Bettis has always loved history and English. As a college freshman, she considered becoming an archeologist until she realized there likely would be bugs and snakes involved. And math. Through careers as a newspaper reporter and editor, then a college journalism and English professor, she’s retained her fascination with history. Give her a research book and a pot of tea, and she’s happy for hours. But what really makes her smile is working on a new story. Now retired, she lives in Missouri where she spins tales of heroines to die for—and heroes to live for.

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