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The Surprising Wedding by Debra Elizabeth is an April 99 cents Sale Event pick #romance #99cents


The Surprising Wedding


Debra Elizabeth


Contemporary Romance

Book Blurb:

Edward Tyndale, brother to the Earl of Barrett, has sworn off marriage. His disastrous first marriage ended in tragedy and he’s determined not to put his heart at risk again. American artist Jade Stanfield travelled to Barrett Castle to attend her brother’s wedding and fell in love with the estate. When the Earl offers her a chance to teach in the art internship program he sponsors, she readily accepts. It’s been her dream for as long as she can remember to become an art teacher. Her joy is marred by the caustic remarks by Edward, but she determined to ignore the tall, dark and handsome brother. Can they peacefully co-exist or will their growing attraction lead the stoic Edward into taking another chance on love?


The next morning, Jade greeted Cade and Keira as she walked into the dining room. She took a seat next to Keira and poured herself a cup of tea, taking a sip before she went to the sideboard to choose her breakfast foods.

Keira put her teacup down. “Good morning. I hope you slept well.”

“I did, thank you. This smells delicious,” Jade said, scooping eggs, potatoes, and bacon onto her plate.

“We have the best cook. I don’t know what we’d do if she left our employ.”

“Heartily agree,” Cade said, savoring a mouthful of eggs.

“So, Cade tells me you might be interested in teaching in our arts program. I’d be so happy if you decided to stay. I’ve missed you so much,” Keira said.

Before Jade had a chance to answer, Edward walked into the room. When his eyes found her at the sideboard, he scowled.

Jade took her seat. “Good morning, Edward.”

He pinned her with a glare. “When are you leaving?”

“Edward…” Cade warned.

Edward turned his icy blue stare on his brother before filling his own plate and sitting beside Cade. He poured himself a cup of tea and began eating without another word.

“How are the plans for the new artist building coming along?” Cade asked.

Edward looked up from his plate. “Fine.”

Cade looked at Jade before continuing. “Jade is interested in our internship program and will be touring the current space today.”

“Why?” Edward asked, his fork stopping halfway to his mouth.

“There’s a good possibility she will stay on and become the teacher for our aspiring painters. We’ll be lucky to have her.”

Edward dropped his fork, which hit his plate with a loud clang. “You must be joking. What qualifications does she possess besides being Jack’s sister? We can’t employ a rank amateur as the painting instructor.”

Jade couldn’t sit silently by any longer, especially with Edward challenging her credentials. She pinned him with her own glare. “You pompous ass. For your information, I have a master’s in fine arts from the California Institute of the Arts and have been studying the craft for more than a decade. Is that enough qualifications for you?”

Cade jumped back into the conversation before it devolved into a shouting match. “Edward, I want Jade to look over the plans for the painters’ building as well. She’ll be able to point out additional student needs we haven’t thought of yet.”

With one last glare at Cade, Edward stood and strode from the room without another word, leaving his half-eaten breakfast plate sitting on the table.

Keira squeezed Jade’s hand. “I’m sorry you had to endure that. Please know that Edward’s reaction is in no way relevant to how Cade and I feel about you joining us for the foreseeable future.”

Jade looked between Cade and Keira. “Thank you. I’m looking forward to learning more about the program despite Edward’s objections. Is he always so difficult?”

“He’s a very private person and has gone through a lot in the last year,” Cade said. “Believe me, I’m not making excuses for him and I agree his behavior was quite rude this morning, but there’s a reason for it.”

“What reason?”

“It’s not my story to tell, I’m afraid. Edward will have to relate the details to you himself, but don’t hold your breath. He doesn’t talk much, even to Keira and I.”

“I see. Well, I’ll try to stay out of his way except when absolutely necessary,” Jade said.

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What makes your featured book a must-read?

It’s a classic enemy-to-lovers story full of twists and turns that will keep the reader intrigued. Will they or won’t they ever overcome their differences long enough to realize they are perfect for each other?

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Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs April 11 – April 18, 2023.

Winner will be drawn on April 19, 2023.

Author Biography:

Debra Elizabeth is the romance pen name of fantasy writer Debra L Martin. She writes sweet romance in contemporary romance and historical romance. She enjoys telling stories and has been pouring out her passion for romance since her teenage years. When she’s not writing, she enjoys working in her garden, motorcycle rides throughout New England with her husband and playtime with her granddaughter.

She enjoys hearing from fans, and you can contact her at: She is also the author of the blog, Two Ends of the Pen. The blog features all things books—author interviews, new releases, guest posts, and book reviews.

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