Title: The Trouble with Tigers
Author: Kimberly Keyes
Genre: Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
He’ll give everything but his heart. She’ll take nothing less.
When Lord Zeke Thurgood, grandson to the Earl of Claybourne, returns to London following a trip abroad, he’s flummoxed by his grandfather’s new young servant, Kit. One, the old man favor’s the boy. Two, he’s the least helpful helper Zeke’s ever seen. And three? Kit stares at Zeke, like a cat eyeing a pot of fresh cream.
Lady Kitty Hastings had begun to think hiding as a boy servant would keep her safe from her guardian’s nefarious schemes. Enter Lord Zeke Thurgood. Magnificent, maddening Zeke whose grousing unwittingly leads Kitty’s nemesis straight to her.
Zeke witnesses Kitty’s unveiling—right before landing in the role of her fake fiancé. Emphasis on fake. Zeke has plans that don’t include marriage, much less staying in England. Only after Kitty assures him he lacks the critical qualities of any man she would marry does it dawn on him—Kitty’s irresistible mix of courage, determination and charm are exactly what he’s been missing. Now he’ll need to convince her they’re a perfect match, or lose the best thing that ever happened to him.
“Kitty, be still,” came a harsh whisper.
Her eyes flew open wide. A figure moved in the doorway.
She jerked upright in her bed and searched the darkness for some route of escape. The window. She flung the sheets aside, but her legs and nightdress were hopelessly entangled in the bedcovers. She wrestled and kicked against the restraining fabric, and succeeded only in cocooning herself further.
“Be still, I say.” The figure started toward her.
With no option remaining, she dove from the bed, and began a slow hurdle to the floor.
Strong arms caught her, dragging her upwards to place her amidst the tangled heap of sheets on the mattress.
“Good God, woman, wake up before you hurt yourself.”
Zeke’s voice. Her mattress dipped with his weight as he sat on the edge of her bed. His hands gripped her upper arms, and warmth from his palms seeped through the sleeves of her night shift.
“Kitty, it’s all right. You’re safe,” Zeke said in a low voice.
The nightmare’s tentacles receded. She nodded her understanding and drew a calming breath. Zeke’s familiar scent—soap, spice, clean male skin—invaded her senses. She peered through the darkness, and could just make out the strong lines of his face. The sheen of his hair in the moonlight.
He was real. He had come and chased her nightmare away, chased Garrick away, just like he had this morning.
“Zeke,” she choked, flinging herself into his chest.
Her arms locked around his neck and the tip of her nose nestled into the warm curve of his shoulder. She closed her eyes and greedily breathed him in.
His arms went around her, almost tentatively, as if he didn’t know where to place his hands. She snuggled closer, tried to still the random tremors coursing through her.
After a moment, one of his big hands moved, smoothing her hair from the crown of her head to somewhere near her waist. Over and over again he touched her, all the while uttering soothing, nonsensical sounds. She’d never imagined he could be so gentle.
After a while her breathing steadied, but her pulse refused to return to normal. Reality leaked in to her consciousness. Zeke was in her bedchamber. She was clinging to him for dear life. And she was fairly certain he wasn’t wearing clothes.
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November is a time to be thankful. What are you most thankful for this year?
There is so much to be thankful for! My sister and brother-in-law who are also my closest friends, my health, my wonderful friends, and I could never forget my two old puppy girls (15 and 17 years old) who make me smile constantly with their antics!
Why is your featured book worth snuggling up to?
If you like steamy historical romance, you will love this book. Enjoy the nuanced language of Victorian England while immersing yourself in an unpredictable plot that will keep you guessing. Most importantly of all, you’ll fall in love with Zeke and Kitty so much you won’t want their story to end.
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Author Biography:
Kimberly Keyes knew before she was old enough to drive, writing romance was her passion. Once she started typing, she never looked back.
Kimberly writes single title contemporary and Victorian era historical romance, the steamy variety. She’s in her happy place working on two books in the two different genres, simultaneously. Kimberly's romances feature compelling characters, scintillating sensuality, and of course that happily-ever-after romance readers crave.
Most days you’ll find her writing, and re-writing, plotting, and dreaming up ways to perplex the characters living inside her head.
She lives in sunny Florida with her faithful companions—Pappillon, a twenty pound rescue puppy from Puerto Rico who looks like she could be from Who-ville, and Roxanne, a fluffy bit of dachshund wonderfulness she inherited from her mom. The two are constantly by her side offering love and encouragement, and occasionally demanding chewies.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorKeyes