The Vigilante and the Dancer
Stephen B King
The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Nicky is sick of the violence he sees while driving a cab in the city. On the night of his brother Simon's eighteenth birthday, a gang senselessly beat him to death, and Nicky hopes to find the men responsible.
Nicky rescued Didi, a dancer, from two attackers, and they became friends as kindred spirits who both suffered a tragedy. But they have secrets. Didi's secret is a daughter, and Nicky's is that he is the Northbridge Vigilante who has killed men as they carried out violent crimes. Nicky's last victim was the brother of a drug dealer, Jimmy Mallory, head of a powerful biker gang.
The city explodes with gang warfare, fighting to control the drugs and nightclubs because of the murder of Mallory's brother. The police are closing in on The Vigilante, but so is Mallory, who will stop at nothing to get revenge.
Nicky has found the love of his life and finally someone to live for if only he can stay out of jail, and survive.
She quietly spoke to him, “Man, I love this song. Is that why you did it? Saved my life tonight, I mean, because it’s your mum’s favorite song?”
Nicky laughed, but it sounded hollow. “No, I promise I didn’t even give that a thought. At the time, I just reacted to what I saw, and I’m glad I did, but yeah, it does seem kind of prophetic, doesn’t it? This song is from my mum’s favorite album. When I was growing up, she would play James Hendry all the time, and this one in particular. It’s called Memories. She went to his concerts whenever he came to Perth, and if she heard the song, You are my Life on the radio, it just about brought her to tears every single time.” After a pause, he added, “It’s good to have something to help remember her by.”
She stared at him for a while longer, a look of confusion on her face. “Mister, I mean this in a nice way, but I don’t get you. You’re a good-looking guy, fit and healthy, yet you drive a cab all night and play sad songs to remind you of your mum. You haven’t got a wedding ring on, and you saved me from two guys who could have killed you as soon as look at you. Are you gay? Not that it’s a problem if you are. A lot of my friends are that way inclined.” Again, he laughed, louder this time and with feeling. He has a nice laugh, too, she thought.
“No, I’m not gay, and I’m not married either. I don’t even have a girlfriend, to be honest. It’s hard to have one when you work nights, but I’m most definitely not gay. I’m just too busy driving the cab. I’m trying to save up to buy my own, but it’s expensive, and I’ve got a long way to go before that happens. I’ll get there one day, though.”
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-seven, and your only dream is to own your own cab? Are you for real?”
He turned to face her in the low light and said, “And you, Didi, are you going to be a lap dancer the rest of your life?”
“Ouch. Touché, you’re right. Note to self, shut up with the criticisms when a good-looking man saves your life, Didi. Maybe we deserve each other; we both work nights and are social misfits.” She smiled.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub)
Amazon: http://bit.ly/3Nmt6ac
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3zxJhf7
Bookbub: http://bit.ly/3fve6tX

Author Biography
I left school very early to join a rock band, and spent a few years writing poems, short stories and music. I’ve won two short story writing competitions, had poems published, and enjoyed being a long-haired rock guitarist before life got in the way and I settled down, married and had children. I’ve owned my own businesses and managed large vehicle sales dealerships and observed people from all walks of life. It is these observations which has aided in creating characters.
Among my inspirations to become an author are the other slightly more famous Stephen King, Stieg Larsen, Val McDermid and Leonard Cohen.
Social Media Links
Web: www.stephen-b-king.com
Twitter: @stephenBKing1
Facebook: @stephenbkingauthor