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  • N. N. Light

Tremors Through Time by @AbboudAnastasia is a Snuggle Up event pick #timetravel #romance #giveaway

Title: Tremors Through Time

Author: Anastasia Abboud

Genre: Time Travel Romance

Book Blurb:

In the infinite vastness of time—past, present, future, past—love prevails.

She's made mistakes and paid the price, but Deidre Chisolm is no quitter. She'll never again be a fool for a man, not even her gorgeous new neighbor with his haunted eyes and strange accent. She'll be friendly, but nothing more.

Lachlann has to go back to fourteenth-century Scotland. He can't forsake his family, his son. But when a beautiful, kind, funny lady buys the house next door, he's never been so drawn to anyone in his life. Would she believe his story? After years of struggling through nightmares and flashbacks, headaches and illiteracy, dare he ask her to help him return?


Lachlann absently pulled the tiny weeds that seemed to sprout overnight in the vegetable beds.

“Ain’t that a radish?” Joe’s voice beside him startled him. Bemused, he looked at his fistful of weeds. He’d pulled a radish.

Joe slapped him on the back, laughing. “I’m going back to finish sleeping. I suggest you do the same.”

Sleep? Lachlann stared at Joe’s retreating figure. How could he sleep? How could he garden? How could he do anything when he was besieged by white-hot lust?

But it was more than lust. Lachlann groaned inwardly. God knew he needed Deidre in every possible way.

Holding her in his arms all night, her body pressed against his, had been an extraordinary experience of heaven and hell. He’d kissed her until they were both shaking with desire, clutching each other wildly. Just thinking of it made him hard.

Nostrils flaring, he pinched a pansy bloom. It had taken two hours for his cock to back down—two nights in a row!

What the hell was he going to do? Joe had told him she’d suffered a brief, unhappy marriage. She’d been hurt. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt her. And if they got involved, he would hurt her. He couldn’t make promises. He wasn’t going to stay.

Last night, he’d returned to her house to find her asleep atop her bed, fully-dressed. She must have fallen asleep waiting for him. She’d looked like an angel, her fiery hair cloaking her shoulders, her lashes dark against her fair cheeks. Forcing himself to leave her in peace, he’d spent the rest of the night tossing in her guest bed.

He wanted her as he’d never wanted anyone. But it wasn’t just desire. It was no use lying to himself. He loved Deidre, and that was the real reason for his hesitation. To get any closer, to entangle them both, could only lead to heartache. Maybe she wasn’t interested.

Maybe she wasn’t interested, anyway. When they lay on her sofa together, she’d cuddled back against him and slept. In and of itself, the trust was nice. But how she’d managed to fall asleep with a steel rod pressed feverishly to her back, he couldn’t fathom, unless she was truly indifferent.

And yet…nei. There was nothing indifferent about her response to him. When they kissed, he’d been the one to stop, for her sake.


He pinched another flower.



He looked around, then up, and froze.

She posed above him, a goddess. Fiery red curls fell wildly over…was she wearing only a blanket? Her upper chest and one fair, freckled shoulder peeked out sweetly. But it was the expression on her face that captured him. Hunger, as intense as his own.

“Come up,” she mouthed, gesturing to him.

He gestured back. Now? God, he hoped so.

She nodded. He glanced back at Joe’s house and briefly at the fencerow. He could clear it.

Easy does it.

“Five minutes,” he returned silently, holding up one hand.

He washed up and went around through her back gate, to her kitchen door. When she didn’t answer his knock, he let himself in and locked the door behind him. It wasn’t until he reached the foot of the stairs that he hesitated.


“Up here!” she called.

He took the stairs two at a time.

“I’m in here.”

He found himself standing at her bedroom door. She was sitting up in bed, covers to her chin, the mass of curls rioting over her shoulders.

Deidre stared at the man apparently frozen in her bedroom doorway. He was tall, muscular, and unbelievably gorgeous. His golden hair fell loosely to his shoulders, his gray eyes intense as he returned her stare. Her heart was going to jump out of her chest.

“Are you okay?” he finally asked.

She shook her head. No, she was not okay. She was going to hyperventilate. She took a deep breath.


“What’s wrong?”

“Are you…are you healthy?”


“I mean…” She made a gesture between them. “For sex?”

His eyes widened. “Aye. You?”

“Yes.” She bit her lip. “I’ve been married before.”

“So have I.”

“But I’m not very experienced. I’ve never felt like this, never done anything like this before.”

“Neither have I.”

He stood motionless before her. Deidre forced herself to breathe calmly as they gazed at each other in silence. Her bedside clock ticked. Her heartbeat thumped in her ears.

His eyes…he wanted her. She could not be so mistaken. When had anyone ever looked at her like that?

Yet he’d spent three nights in her house and not even tried. But he was here, now—at her invitation. What was she waiting for?

With a last, deep breath, she let the blankets drop as she opened her arms.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

November is a time to be thankful. What are you most thankful for this year?

I am so very grateful for my dear, beautiful family and friends and the life God has given me.

Why is your featured book worth snuggling up to?

This question is perfect because Lachlann and Deidre love to snuggle. Lachlann, specifically, finds comfort and healing in her loving touch. They have an intensely deep relationship fortified with trust and enhanced by strong attraction.

I don’t like angst or contrived complications, so conflict has to naturally occur. And it does! The underlying danger and little twists and turns will surprise and worry you enough to want to snuggle in and keep reading.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon gift card.

You must have an active Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to be eligible. Open internationally.

Runs November 1 – 30

Drawing will be held on December 1.

Author Biography:

For me, playing is the best -- playing outdoors in nature or in my garden, experimenting in the kitchen, spending time with those I love. I also enjoy disappearing into a good book, attempting crafts, learning, writing, exploring, discovering. I especially like to mix it up and have yet to perfect any of it; and I've come to realize that perfection's not the point. It's all wonderfully fun. That's the point! ​I prefer authentic and natural, be it food, lifestyle, people. I passionately enjoy both history and science, and certainly sociology to a degree, and I am most truly a romantic.

​​My husband and I have been married for over forty years. We reside near Houston, Texas, surrounded by loved ones. We have a blast with our little grandchildren. ​I thank God for this wonderful life.

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