Hi everyone, Trevann here. I write rock star romances, urban fantasy, and LGBT paranormal romances. I’ve published novels, a novella, and several short-stories. Everything I write expresses my love for music and sexy musicians, as well as my fascination with and lust for vampires, Weres, incubi, and other supernatural creatures.
I write what I love. I don’t think I could write any differently, but it’s a double-edged sword. I don’t publish at a rapid rate, and I don’t write to market. On the other hand, my characters have been with me a long time, so I know them and their stories well. With each piece I write, I share my heart and soul.
I’ve always loved concerts, so it stands to reason that many of my fictional stories feature musicians. Sadly, attending concerts has not always been easy for me. The biggest problem was that I lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Getting to any concert was a 3-hour drive one way. Sometimes, if I was lucky, there would be a series of concerts in one venue, and I’d see more than one.
One summer, my favorite rocker went on tour. I grabbed my best friend, and we took off and followed him. We attended eight shows in eight southern states in twelve days. A few weeks later, we caught up with the tour again and saw multiple shows in DC, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
The traveling was a blur of fast food, long drives, and little sleep. It was exhausting. We lost track of time, and “orientation to place” meant an open road. The only layover we had was in Florida, which came at the perfect time. We were both sick. We were there for three days and only dragged ourselves out of the hotel room to go to the concert. Other mishaps along the way resulted in broken toes and cracked ribs—all mine.
After a few shows, security recognized us. I think they got a kick out of finding us at each show, somewhere near the front. And they must have liked us. We are both short, so anytime people from the back tried to push their way in front of us, closer to the stage they intervened. We always managed to have a clear space around us, and clear view of the stage.
We were in the front row so many times, the rocker also seemed to recognize us. But that’s another story for another day.
Overall, it was an eye-opening and exhilarating experience. I watched as audiences grew from a half-empty college arena to a sold-out coliseum. I learned how exhausting weeks of traveling can be, yet bands endure weeks and months of it. I also have a bit more sympathy for rock stars (like Chey, my rocker/incubus protagonist) and other performers whine about how hard they have it despite their seemingly exciting lives.
I had the time of my life. I proudly display a trophy from my writing group for “most creative use of procrastination under the guise of research”.
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Title: After Midnight: The Beginning (Living After Midnight, Book 2)
Author: Trevann Rogers
Genre: LGBT Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Living After Midnight
Book Blurb
Her taboo relationships give her new life. Now there's a secret worth dying for.
Jewell spent her college years avoiding two threats: sunlight and her sadistic stepfather.
Ria hails from a family of old-world vamps who want her to fall in line. Fat chance, especially since being in that line includes not being gay.
Being in love is easy for Ria and Jewell—they belong together like vodka and tomato juice. Adding a sexy incubus to their union is the hot sauce in their Bloody Mary. The only problem? Jewell's stepfather.
He demands Jewell return home. He's supported her for her entire life, and tuition isn't cheap. She belongs to him. Her debt has come due.
If she refuses, he'll kill her. If she agrees, it could expose a secret that will result in worldwide carnage.
Jewell and Ria have until dawn to decide…
...and it's already After Midnight.
Warning: This book features spicy supernatural creatures, an attempted assault that makes the perp wish he'd just stayed home, and a secret that changes everything.
After Midnight: The Beginning is the 2nd book in the LGBTQ urban fantasy series Living After Midnight. It can be read out of order and as a Happy for Now standalone.
The choice between staying in on a Saturday night to clean and going to see Cheyenne at his first real gig hadn’t been a complicated decision. He was a world-class rocker who could play the guitar like a fiend and had a voice that made you feel…everything. Or made you horny. And fuck if she didn’t love him. Damn incubus.
She reached across him and caressed Jewell’s side. Jewell’s eyes opened and she stared expressionless at the ceiling, hyper-alert to danger. It always took a few moments after resurrecting for her to remember where she was and who was with her, but since moving into their new home it seemed to take even longer.
Ria sighed. She’d do anything if it would help Jewell feel safe enough to die each dawn and awaken peacefully. “All is well, Babydoll. It’s just me. Time to rise and twinkle with the stars.”
“Already?” Jewell scrunched her eyes and blinked as if trying to focus them.
Cheyenne lay his head on the soft swell of Jewell’s belly. “Didn’t we just go to bed?”
Ria kissed his back and licked a slow trail down his spine. “Hours ago. Did we tucker out the poor little sex demon?”
“Not hardly, dead girl.”
She grabbed a fistful of his hair and turned him to face her. “That’s undead girl, thank you.” She bit his lower lip and let it drag between her teeth. “Show us what you’ve got left.”
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Author Biography
Trevann Rogers writes rock star romances, urban fantasy, and LGBT paranormal romances. Trevann’s books include HOUSE OF THE RISING SON, the prequel novella, AFTER MIDNIGHT, and WAITING FOR THE SON, the 3rd book in the series.She has given workshops nationally on topics including the Craft of Writing, The Art of the Short Story, and Diversity in Writing.
Each of Trevann’s stories incorporates an unquenchable addiction to music and her love for vampires, Weres, incubi and rock stars. She writes long after the sun goes down because, like these elusive creatures, she learned long ago that sometimes being yourself means Living After Midnight.
Trevann lives in Connecticut with Toby, her rescue puppy, and Lil Monkey, a sock monkey who thinks he’s real but refuses to chip in on the mortgage.
You can find Trevann online at:
Social Media Links
Title: House of the Rising Son (Book 1, Living After Midnight)
Author: Trevann Rogers
Genre: LGBT Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Living After Midnight
Book Blurb
Cheyenne is a half-human incubus whose star is on the rise in the Unakite City rock scene. His father, the leader of the supernatural races, would prefer he keep a “low profile”, but screw that. Cheyenne has as much music in his veins as royal incubi blood.
Alexander's future is all set: finish law school, join the family firm, and marry someone who'd be good for business. Not that he has a say in any of it. He's barely met the woman his father expects him to marry. Keeping the peace is his priority. Until he meets Cheyenne.
If secrets are kept, they can never be together. If their secrets are exposed, chaos will reign in both families.
Either way, life will never be the same.
House of the Rising Son is the first book in the LGBTQIA+ urban fantasy series Living After Midnight.
Warning: This book features quirky supernatural creatures, a Thanksgiving dinner that makes the Inquisition look like a tea party, and an incubus that will rock your world.
Chey leaned around Alexander to check out the empty seat next to him. “So where’s the babe you were with earlier? Ditch you for a better prospect?”
“What?” Alexander shook the ice in his glass, and swirled it again.
Cheyenne found Alexander’s fidgeting interesting. “You were with a girl earlier. Where’d she go? She ditch you, or did you dump her?”
“Oh, that was a friend. Prudence. She didn’t… I mean, she wasn’t feeling well, so I took her home.” Alexander gulped his bourbon, grimaced and cleared his throat.
“Huh.” Judging from the delicious new jolt of cayenne he’d just ingested, he knew even talking about the woman was making Alexander agitated and angry. Why didn’t he admit that he’d been angry at her? Cheyenne filed the information away. He’d dig a little further into this curiosity some other time. “I don’t remember seeing her here before. Well, maybe you’ll bring her back sometime when she’s feeling better.”
The spicy taste of Alexander’s discomfort kicked up a notch. It was delicious. Cheyenne imagined making him furious would be mouth-watering.
“Listen, I better be going. Early morning and all that.” Alexander stood up and dropped a twenty into the tip jar. “See you around,” he said, walking away.
“Conflicted much?” Cheyenne retrieved the twenty from the jar and stuffed it into his pocket. Maybe big, sexually confused guys with money were his type after all.
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Title: Waiting for the Son (Book 3, Living After Midnight)
Author: Trevann Rogers
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Living After Midnight
Book Blurb
The world is on the brink of genocide. Can an incubus rock star really be its only hope?
Cheyenne, the half-human son of the Monarch, is getting beaten up on the regular. He's also fighting with his weretiger boyfriend, holding down his gig in the city's premier nightclub, and taking care of his kids. Adulting is more complicated than he thought it would be.
Someone close to the Monarch is putting the supernatural races at risk. With everyone in his inner circle under suspicion, he asks his son for help unearthing the traitor.
Cheyenne declines. He doesn't have the bandwidth, and politics is not his thing.
When his father's troubles escalate, Cheyenne has no choice but to get involved. If he succeeds, the traitor will be exposed. If he fails, his father will die, and the backstabber will be free to lift the veil of secrecy that protects them all.
Waiting for the Son is the third book in the LGBTQ urban fantasy series Living After Midnight.
Warning: This book features quirky supernatural creatures, a meal that makes an orgy look like a made-for-TV movie, and an incubus who makes you hope what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
A right hook to Chey’s face landed with a sickening crunch and sent him to the pavement on his back. If he was going to survive this, he'd have to knock the guy senseless.
He rolled over to his hands, groaning as he tried to push himself to his feet. Searing pain shot down his spine.
He turned his head and spit out blood. “Look,” he gasped, trying to catch his breath. “You already proved you can take me out. Let's leave it at that.”
A boot to his rib cage kicked the remaining air from his lungs. He screamed in agony and raging anger. Was this guy ever going to quit?
Chey's Power surged, and his nose began to bleed. Electricity crackled in the air. He rose to his feet. To his surprise, Power exploded from him like a grenade's shockwave, sending the attacker across the small parking lot and into the club's double door. It creaked and collapsed under the impact.
The sour taste of panic flooded Chey's senses. His Power fed on the emotion, the influx of energy raising the hair on his arms.
Astonishment flickered across Gigantor's face seconds before it paled. “That's not possible. Incubi can't feed on incubi!”
“That's what they keep telling me.” Cheyenne took a step and whimpered as he staggered to the Cutlass. He grabbed his head in both hands. “Let's be sure to debate it sometime. But not tonight. I'm late for a hookup.”
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