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Walk the Deck (Walk the Walk #2) by @author_barr is a Spring Break Bookapalooza pick #pnr #pirate

N. N. Light

Title: Walk the Deck (Walk the Walk Book 2)

Author: Marilyn Barr

Genre: Paranormal Historical Romance

Book Blurb for Walk the Deck:

Branko has created a monster. Magda grows more aggressive by the day as she reclaims her inner identity. He would be proud of her if she didn’t risk her life at every turn. With each ship they take over, she’s first over the rail…taking his heart with her…

Magda loves life on the high seas and wants to claim the treasure only piracy can bring. Why does Branko want to settle on an island when he could have riches beyond his imagination? When evidence of a treasure galleon schedule turns legend into fact, Magda divides the crew into those members who wish to chase it and those who wish to settle…with Branko.

When Branko pushes his agenda, Magda must face her greatest fear or risk losing him forever. Will their opposing visions for their future tear their tenuous partnership apart, or will they find their love is worth more than gold?

Excerpt from Walk the Deck:

“Time to go below, Magda.”

“I’m not hiding like some lady in waiting! I want to be part of the action! I deserve—”

“Point your fangs the other way, ye sea hag! Your enemy is to our port side, not in our hull. I’m going to the cannon row, too. We shot the frigate low in order to climb into her hull below deck. Had you rushed onboard instead of primping, I could have taught you that. Now, if you wish to lead the charge aboard, follow me!”

I crawl down the stairs to the landing on the main deck. The planks beyond the immediate stairs have been removed. They will serve as gangplanks to cross onto the other boat. Even though we are jumping into the holes, the planks will be set to fool the other crew. While they are aiming at our deck, we will be clearing their cargo.

Lines of men, three deep, flank each cannon. Faces smudged with gun powder break into wide smiles when Magda and I drop into the space. I’m blasted with the residual heat from the smoking cannons and excited crew as another bullet rings over the deck. Our shot is answered with the peppering of bullets along the rail. The crew below giggle like schoolgirls. Our enemy will waste their bullets and be easier to defeat.

“No more loading. First round of grappling hooks at the ready,” Boom yells to the first gunners.

“Fire,” I say rather than yell. Boom doesn’t relay the order, but waves to the third hearty in every other line.

No sailor expects us to fire upon them from such a close range—except for Sharp, who somehow manages to stay in his perch. Our boat tilts to an extreme angle and flashes her bottom planks to the enemy. Blackbeard would have fired upon such a reckless display, but no one else on the sea would have the gingamobs to fight fire with fire when atop one another. But the fresh air filtering into our space is a welcomed relief. Those of us in cannon row press against the portside hull, facing our enemy, to tilt the boat beyond her upright position.

Our maneuver works too well. The two vessels groan as they scrape against one another. The face of their captain peers into the hull on our way down. “Grappling hooks, fire!” My shout is in his face. His eyebrows raise, and I wish I were holding a hook. Fecking grog blossom would have the smug look torn from his head. At least I got to bluff him to his face. He’s certain we’re going over the rail now. More the fool, him. My loud shout was a signal to Chub—not the sailors on the attack. My quartermaster has left his post to hide in the navigation room until the boarding starts. If anyone is stupid enough to board Patricia’s Wish while we are on their boat, Chub or Sharp will shoot them.

The hooks take. I join in pulling the ropes taut. To my delight, Magda pulls with a trio, too. The boats crunch together. We secure the connections to eye hooks on the interior walls. More shots clang between our rails on the main deck. A single shot volleys from us. A scream from the other side verifies Sharp’s perfect score.

Time to go, but I can’t give the order. My lungs fight for air. Expectant eyes shine with hope, anticipation, and reckless youth. I’m about to send them to their deaths. My heart pounds. I’m frozen with the gravity of what I’m about to do and why. They may wish to go, but Magda planted the idea in their heads. The story becomes reality as soon as I give the order. The words from my lips will make bullets and blades sharp objects instead of fanciful phrases in late night tales.

“Come on, me hearties!” Magda yells with a thick rope in her hands. “Let’s getcha some Spanish pieces-of-eight!” She steps on one man’s knee, launches off a second’s shoulder, and kicks off the bottom of the mainmast. The men cheer as she soars over the rail…taking my heart with her.

Buy Links for Walk the Deck (including Goodreads and BookBub):

If money were no object, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?

If money were no object, I would go on a space cruise. I think the telescope pictures of the planets and nebulae are beautiful and seeing them for myself would be a dream come true. Landing on a planet or the moon would be a little too scary for me because I have read too many science fiction books and seen too many alien, horror films. I don’t need to come face-to-face with interstellar, intelligent life to enjoy the magnificence of the stars.

Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?

Walk the Deck is a Caribbean cruise without the crowds of tourists. Magda and Branko sail from Carolina to Savannah, through the Florida keys to Jamacia, to Nassau, and to their final destination in the Bahamas. Weigh anchor with the crew of Patricia’s Wish as they plunder merchant ships, dodge the British authorities, and hunt The Amelia Spanish treasure galleon…without braving the living conditions of a 1718 pirate ship. If you ever wanted to climb the ratlines, work the cannon row, man the helm, swab the deck, or fall in love with a vampiress, this book is for you.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.

Runs April 1 – 30

Drawing will be held on May 2.

Author Biography:

Marilyn Barr currently resides in the wilds of Kentucky with her husband, son, and rescue cats. She has a diverse background containing experiences as a child prodigy turned medical school reject, published microbiologist, special education/inclusion science teacher, homeschool mother of a savant, certified spiritual/energy healer, and advocate for the autistic community. This puts her in the position to bring tales containing heroes who are regular people with different ability levels and body types, in a light where they are powerful, lovable, and appreciated.

When engaging with the real world, she is collecting characters, empty coffee cups, and unused homeschool curricula. She is a sucker (haha) for cheesy horror movies, Italian food, punk music, black cats, bad puns, and all things witchy.

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