Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. -- Helen Keller
Are you an optimistic person?
If not, you're doing yourself and the world a disservice.
A lot of people ask me how I can remain optimistic in a world full of hatred, greed and malice. My answer is so simple and easy to incorporate:
I'd rather be optimistic and see the world in a hopeful way than concentrate on the bad stuff. Darkness and evil don't deserve the limelight.
Listen, I read the same news as you and it's easy to get down on the world and our existence. There are times when I cry at what's happened to our society where greed and hatred are front and center. But then I think about the people making a difference in their corner of the world. I think of the bravery of ordinary men and women who protect and help those in need.
I love the Helen Keller quote above for it's a motto we need to instill in ourselves and those around us. Stop bashing and bemoaning what's wrong in your life. Look at what's good in your life and promote it. Put the spotlight on the positive and let hope be your guide.
Is it really that simple? You bet!
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.