Title: A Hand of Magic: #3 - Vampires
Author: Diane Moat
Genre: Fantasy Romance, Paranormal
Book Blurb:
What could the undead possibly want with a magical healer? Without warning, vampires have woken from a self-imposed sleep, and they have their fangs set on the healer Madison. At the same time, the newly self-proclaimed leader for the wizards wants to make a deal with the magical Hand that is too good to be true. Madison’s mate, Alex, is not going to let anything – living or undead – come between him and his mate. As the connection between the two grows closer, they will need that bond, along with their wolf pack, to battle weresnakes, vampires and warlocks. If only the two lovers could keep their hands off each other during danger, everyone would be safer! Vampires is the third novel in the Hand of Magic series, which features a fantasy romance among a world of magic and danger.
My Review:
Just when Madison thinks she’s seen it all, the undead aka vampires want a piece of her. She’s approached through discreet channels set up by her mate, Alex, so the head of the vampires can meet with her and her Hand. His offer, while too good to be true, doesn’t fool Madison and her Hand. The undead want to sink their fangs into North America and the only ones who can stop the onslaught from happening are Madison, Alex and the rest of her Hand. As their enemies rise and the fear of the unknown surrounds Madison and Alex, they must rely on their special bond. If not, the whole magical world will be sucked dry.
In the third book of the series, Vampires takes Madison and her Hand into the world of the undead. Oh yes, vampires are real and Diane Moat creates a world unlike any I’ve read. Her vampires are dark, sinister and want to rule over North America. No sparkly vamps to be seen which I’m glad. The fact that the head of the vampires wants to be President is a cute sub-plot and lightens the otherwise heavy plot. The intensity is ratcheted up for Madison and she must choose which path to take. Since this is a fantasy romance, there’re a few hot love scenes. The connection between Madison and Alex strengthens their relationship.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. I loved the action scenes and the dialogue. Less explaining and more allowing the scene to unfold naturally would’ve made this a five-star book. Madison’s father is an interesting surprise and I hope the author delves more into him in the next book.
If you’re looking for an adrenaline-boosted fantasy romance with plenty of action scenes and a few surprises, this is the book for you. If you want a different take on vampires, this book is for you. I can’t wait for the next one!
My Rating: 4 stars
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Author Biography:
Diane Moat is an award-winning author of books for all ages. She is a Tennessee transplant, animal rescuer, and nurse. Diane is assisted by her many rescue dogs.
Social Media Links:
Website https://www.dianemoatauthor.com/
Reviewed by: Mrs. N