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A Wolf in Duke’s Clothing by Debra Elizabeth is a Historical Fiction/Romance Bookish Event pick #regency #historicalromance #99cents #giveaway


A Wolf in Duke’s Clothing



Debra Elizabeth



Regency Historical Romance


Book Blurb:


A long lost duke. A penniless Earl’s daughter. And a threat that could tear them apart forever.


When Major Wolfgang Stillman receives a letter informing him that he is the long-lost heir to the Duke of Wiltshire title, he is thrown into a world of high-society etiquette and expectations - a world he knows nothing about. Unaccustomed to the rules of Polite Society, Wolf must struggle to fit in while also trying to win the affection of Lady Mercy Davies.


Lady Mercy never expected to have a Season after the death of her beloved father. But, through the generosity of her grandmother, her dream of a Season finally comes true. During her first ball, she meets the Duke of Wiltshire, who sets her heart aflame with his masculine beauty. But the Duke is not the only one who desires Mercy. When she goes missing during a shopping trip, Wolf must race against all odds to save the woman he loves more than life itself. Will he be able to find his beloved before it’s too late?




The flap to the tent opened, and a young soldier stepped inside. “Major Stillman, this letter just came for you,” the soldier said, handing Wolf the letter.


“What’s that?” Lt. George Spenser asked.


“I have no idea,” Wolf said, staring at the sealed missive. He didn’t recognize the handwriting. It was certainly not his father’s or mother’s hand. Besides his parents, there was no one else who would be writing to him. He had no girl back home pining for his return.


“Bloody hell, man, open the damn letter,” Richard Ballard said.


His fellow soldiers stood beside him. George and Richard were like brothers to Wolf and had been by his side since they met during the first campaign of the war. The two men were how Wolf managed to stay sane throughout the bloody war. He was sad that Jon couldn’t be with them as he was also part of their brotherhood. The surgeon had sewn his face back together, but Jon would never look the same again. As soon as he could travel, he would return to England and finish his recovery.


Wolf tore open the letter, and his eyes widened in disbelief. “This can’t be,” he said, and the letter floated through his fingers to the ground.


George was the first to pick it up. He read it and handed it to Richard. “Well, isn’t that the most unexpected event ever, Your Grace.”


Wolf’s head snapped up. “I can’t be a duke. I haven’t the foggiest idea how to be one. Is this one of your pranks? Because if it is, it’s not funny.”


Both George and Richard shook their heads no before slapping him on the back. “From the look on your face, are congratulations in order.”


“It’s a shock, to be sure. At least the war is finally over, and I won’t leave the men to fight on without me, but I’m clueless about what I’m supposed to do now. I find it hard to believe that I would be a duke. It seems preposterous.”


“Listen, Wolf, once you meet with the solicitor, and he explains things to you, come round to my father’s house in Mayfair and let me know what you find out,” George said. “Being a duke is rather easy, in my opinion. As duke, you do what you want when you want, and no one will ever say anything about it.”


Wolf shook his head, stunned at the turn of events. “George, clearly, that cannot be all there is to being a peer?”


George chuckled. “You’ll soon find out, my friend.”


“What do you think, Richard?” Wolf asked.


Richard shrugged. “My father is a mere baron and stays mostly at his country estate. I’m looking forward to going home for a nice respite now that we’re done here. Sorry, I can’t add anything more.”


The war was finally over, Napoleon was captured, and all three were headed back to England. However, never in a thousand years would Wolf have believed he’d be going home a peer, never mind a bloody duke.


A bloody duke!


This was not how he thought his life would be. He planned to return to his childhood village and farm their patch of land as his father and grandfather had done before him. A sense of loss nearly overwhelmed him. His parents had succumbed to an infection that had swept through the village last year. He was grief-stricken that he'd never see them again. They would never know he was a duke. He was now alone in the world. One saving grace was that he had his friends George, Richard, and Jon.


He had no idea what had happened to his family farm while he'd been away and was anxious to find out. Though he hadn’t set his sights on any young woman to take as a wife, his options had now completely changed. It was all too much to take in, and he plopped down on his cot and put his face in his hands. This can’t be happening, but he had no time to dwell on the consequences.


“Your Grace, the Duke of Wellington has instructed me to bring you to his tent once you’ve read the letter,” the soldier said.


George handed the letter back to Wolf. “Good luck. You’re going to need it,” he said with a chuckle.


“Bloody hell,” Wolf said, getting up and following the soldier out of his tent.


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):


Grab your e-copy on sale for only 99 cents!




What makes your featured book a must-read?


If you enjoy rooting for the underdog, then you’ll love Wolf. He’s an ex-soldier who suddenly finds himself elevated to a duke. Now, he must learn how to navigate through the ton while keeping all those matching-maker mamas at bay.


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $40 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.

Runs March 21 – April 2, 2024.

Winner will be drawn on April 3, 2024.


Author Biography:


Debra writes sweet romance in both contemporary and historical romance. She enjoys telling stories and has been pouring out her passion for romance since her teenage years. When she’s not writing, she enjoys working in her garden, motorcycle rides throughout New England with her husband, and of course, play time with her granddaughter.


You can find a complete list of Debra’s books here:

She enjoys hearing from fans, and you can contact her: She’s also the author of the blog, Two Ends of the Pen. The blog features all things books—author interviews, new releases, guest posts, and reviews. Be first to know about new releases and contests and sign up for her newsletter at


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©2015-2024 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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