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Combat To College by John H. Davis is a Binge-Worthy Book Festival pick #military #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Combat To College

Author: John H Davis

Genre: Military, How-To

Book Blurb:

Combat to College is the book for veterans who want to win the college battle. Having served is not a hindrance to your growth, the military mindset is an advantage. Veterans must utilize the unique skills and discipline gained in the military to succeed in higher education. Navigating the college environment as a veteran brings special challenges, this book will propel you over those obstacles. When veterans get out of the military, their plan of action often determines whether they live out their dreams or their nightmares. Rise up to your potential and navigate college with these straightforward lessons.


Moment by moment you are either moving toward your objective or away from it, the direction is up to you. Your movement will be a reflection of your actions day after day. If you have enough bad days in a row, you’ll see yourself drifting farther and farther from your desired goals. You have worked hard for years in the military; you know how to be tired and keep going, because you've done it in more challenging and punishing environments. At times, you will have to work harder than the other students in order to catch up to their academic level after taking a break from school during your military service. You might have to suffer a bit, but difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

My suffering came within the first few moments of my first Spanish class. I had forgotten all the Spanish that I had learned in high school, minus hola and cerveza. I had the cerveza thing down but that didn’t seem to help me much in class. The other students had just taken high school Spanish and I felt hopelessly behind in trying to learn and catch up. I almost dropped the class after the first day. I ended up with an epiphany after I thought about the grit that the military had ingrained in me. I couldn't take a pill and increase my IQ or learn Spanish in a day, but I could work my ass off. By the end of the semester I knew more than when I started. Not even just about Spanish but about myself and what I could accomplish when putting forward incredible effort. I got a tutor, worked on my study habits, did all the extra credit I could, and maintained my military work ethic throughout the semester. This provided me with the realization that studying hard was more important than being smart to get good grades. The other students knew more than me the first day of class, but I managed to finish ahead of them by the end of the semester. Not because I was smarter but because I worked my ass off.

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What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?

The first binge-worthy book I ever read was the Harry Potter series, growing up around that time before the domination of technology took over was perfect timing. My mother would drive me to Borders Bookstore the morning a new Harry Potter book would come out and I’d buy it and start reading on the drive home and wouldn’t put it down until I finished it. Then I would usually read it again a week later.

What makes your featured book a binge-worthy read?

Combat To College is a friend who is giving you helpful advice during an important period in your life, your education. Veterans often struggle in civilian life because of two distinct reasons, the loss of community and the loss of purpose. This book fills those gaps and teaches you how to build a community of support around yourself during college and after to give you every edge. It also instills a drive in you, that you have the tools to be successful in academic environments and to use your earned educational benefits to their maximum potential. Harnessing your military skills, discipline and mindset will help you turn into more than what you are.


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Open internationally.

Runs August 1 – 31.

Drawing will be held on September 1.

Author Biography:

Staff Sergeant John H. Davis is a decorated combat veteran with two tours in Afghanistan. He spends his time advocating for veteran causes and has received congressional and legislative recognition. John is a former VA employee, Student Veterans of America officer and is a youth coach for American Ninja Warrior classes. John also has experience teaching English in Thailand and Cambodia and History to incarcerated youth in New York. John enjoys whiskey, getting tattoos, riding motorcycles, volunteering and working out. John is currently a graduate student at Harvard Graduate School of Education, John is America and you are too.

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