Title Dargo, A Feel-Good Novella
Author Karina McRoberts
Genre Humorous Fantasy, Short-Fiction
Book Blurb
Smiles, warmth, laughter, and cheer - all these things you'll find right here!
Find Nature And You Will Find Yourself. A lonely young man suffers a massive defeat. When all is lost, he meets a fiery fortune-teller who pleads with him to save her. Can he re-invent himself as a hero? A light-hearted but poignant little story, Dargo is humorous and heart-warming; a fairy-tale for adults. You can also read this to your children who care about Earth. And, if they don't, Dargo will help them to do so! An enjoyable, timely tale that will appeal to the magic in all of us.
"The cards tell me you will meet a short, bright, and beautiful stranger."
"I will?"
"Yes, and very soon too."
The machine woman then closed her eyes, whirled and went silent. She turned and her little glass box went dark. Dargo was still mesmerised, thinking something else might happen. But it didn't. This was obviously the end of the reading. He remembered; there used to be a lot of whirring, your coin ran out, and all went dark and silent. In that time, a card with your fortune on it dropped out of a slot. Dargo shook his head in amazement and turned to leave.
"Hello." Dargo jumped like a rocket. "I told you I'd be here."
Before him stood a lovely young woman with fiery hair and sparkling blue eyes. And a smile that rivalled the sun.
"My name is Flame."
"Uh… Uh…"
"And you are Dargo. Dargo Fernandez."
Having gathered himself a little, he managed to ask, "How do you know?"
"I'm a fortune teller, silly. I know all!" She was still wearing the Gypsy's outfit.
"Wha… You mean, you're her? I mean, she's you…?"
"I am a great and powerful being, Dargo. Am I not petite, shiny, and exceptionally stunning?"
"Uh huh."
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I’m one of the authors participating in the Be Mine Bookish Giveaway and you can win an e-copy of Palace of the Stars or Chelandra.
Runs February 1 - 29 and is open internationally for most prizes.
Winner will be drawn on March 2, 2020.

Author Biography
Karina McRoberts has published six novels in two genres - a time travel adventure/romance series, set in Western Australia (The Palace of the Stars, The Mine's Eye, and The Light) and an epic fantasy trilogy with a female lead and modern themes (Chelandra, Master of the World, and Juggernaut). Her smaller works include an anthology and a short-story (The Haunting of York - A Ghostly Anthology and Lost and Found - A Ghost Story).
Karina derives inspiration from living in a beautiful forest, while working with her husband to restore the remainder of their environs from degraded farmland to habitat for wildlife. Tahshi, their wonder dog extraordinaire, is a friend to all.
In addition to being an avid conservationist, Karina is a musician with a keen interest in world and renaissance music. She has wandered very far and been engaged in a variety of professions, ranging from migrant sweat-shop labourer to research scientist. Recently, she's been busy as a lizard surgeon and sometime snake handler.
Karina has intense interests in the evolution of social justice and the expansion of human (and animal) consciousness.
Never at a loss for inspiration, she aims to bring her readers entertainment, enlightenment and, most of all, pure enjoyment!
Karina is presently hard at work on a live theatre show, based on her time-travel novels.
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