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  • N. N. Light

4.5 stars for Evangeline's Power Trio by @AnnaLores #eroticromance #bookreview #newrelease

Title: Evangeline's Power Trio

Author: Anna Lores

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance, Ménage

Book Blurb:

One, two, three men. Yes. Yes. Yes...

At the top of her game as a prestigious attorney, Evangeline Zanipolo walked away from it all. Despite an obvious lack of skill, she tries her hand as a massage therapist. But professional success is not her goal. All she wants is love, marriage, and babies with the two men she's engaged to marry. Then both men dump her, and she's left questioning her life's decisions. Just when she's ready to throw in the towel and try a traditional relationship, three forever-bachelors walk into her life prepared to give her everything she's ever dreamed of...if they can iron out all the kinks.

Sexy businessman Brice Loffiten has always kept his lovers at arm's length, but Evangeline has snuck past his barriers and secured her spot inside his heart. He wants her all to himself, but her insatiable desires have him doubting he'll be enough.

Power attorney, Dylan Russo is back in town and ready to assert control—in the bedroom. But Evangeline might not be ready to surrender to his type of dominance.

Champion Jerry Wynn needs to be number one in a relationship. With him at the helm, the four could conquer anything. But can the other men in Evangeline's life accept him as the head of the household?

My Review:

Evangeline’s life is spiraling out of control. The two men she thought loved her and were ready to get married to and have children with dump her right before the wedding, leaving her bereft and without a stick of furniture. Just when she’s ready to give up and live unhappily, three men offer her what her heart wants more than anything else. Can she tame these three alpha men, especially when one of them wants to be head alpha in the relationship?

I can say without a shadow of a doubt, I have never read anything quite like this. Sure, it’s a blistering hot erotic romance with various kinks on display but it’s more than just pure erotica. Evangeline is a strong woman who’s dealing with a lot of betrayals and has to figure out where she’s going next. She’s an independent woman and her desires make her stand out in this story. The men, while also main characters, take a backseat to her. The conflict all four deal with as they try to navigate through their relationships kept me glued to my e-reader. The plot moves at a fast pace and there were some scenes I had to re-read just so I could keep up with everything that’s going on. The ending put a big ‘ol smile on my face. If you’re into scorching ménage romance, you’ll love Evangeline’s Power Trio.

My Rating: 4.5 stars

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Author Biography:

An avid romance reader, Anna Lores started writing steamy romance novels as a by-product of insomnia. One night, with a nudge from her husband to write a book, Anna borrowed her son's laptop and set about breathing life to her very own characters. After a month, she was surprised with a new laptop of her own to pursue her dreams of writing sensual happily ever afters. The desire to fill her world with wonderful stories she and her close friends could not just talk about but gush over, keeps Anna's fingers racing to keep up with her imagination. As the rest of the house is sleeping peacefully, Anna sheds her title as Supermom of Three to write sexy love stories. Sleeping might still be a battle Anna hasn't conquered, but armed with a B. A. in English Literature and all the hot men in her mind calling for their own story, she stays busy during those midnight hours writing her next international bestselling spicy romance.

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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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