Title: Fortune’s Folly
Author: Cat Dubie
Genre: Historical Fiction with Romantic Elements
Book Blurb:
Eden Fitzgerald is no swooning maiden waiting for the man of her dreams to come along. Alex Banning, a decorated naval officer, has vital duties to perform. Although he and Eden shared a strange adventure when young, he cannot get involved with her now. But irresistible forces draw them together again and again, their attraction culminating in a blazing night of passion.
For one shining moment Eden is in love! But her infatuation swiftly becomes contempt when she discovers Alex is part of the British organization that considers the men of her family criminals and traitors. When her father and brother are arrested and imprisoned, she vows to do whatever is necessary to have them set free. Pregnant with Alex's child but determined to keep him from finding out, she enters into a marriage of convenience with the scion of a wealthy Canadian family.
When all legal methods of setting her father free fail, Eden learns she can arrange an escape for him. Needing money, she turns to highway robbery and becomes the legendary Giselle, a beautiful thief who preys on the wealthy. Soon the hunt is on for the alluring criminal--agents of the Crown, Montreal police, a dangerous smuggler she cheated, a brother-in-law she betrayed--who will capture her?
A few evenings later, Eden packed for the move to La Borne to wait out her pregnancy. Embroidered baby dresses, small caps, soft wool blankets, little stockings—the baby’s share of the trunk was greater than hers.
Three more months. Should she practice sewing or knitting? Anything to keep her mind occupied. The same questions plagued her daily. What if Da or Martin were ill? When would Jack Carver return for his money? She hoped he hadn’t blamed Balthazar Flynn for failing in his task. André seemed happier of late. Was he courting his beloved?
Bernice charged into the room, out of breath, eyes wide and frightened. “You must come, Madame.” She whirled and ran. Mystified, Eden hurried after her.
Sharp words from below. “… murder.” Louis snapped. “You are not above the law.”
“No court would convict me.” Guy Paquette’s deep voice.
Murder? Court? What—
A quick snort. “If you shoot all your wife’s lovers, you will deplete half the male population of Montréal.”
Eden joined Bernice on the gallery. In the foyer below the chandelier hadn’t been lit, but several servants held lamps high. Backs to Eden, they blocked her view. She advanced to the stairs. Paquette, massive and menacing, stood on the marble floor, flanked by two large men. One held a fur-trimmed greatcoat, the other carried an open case containing a brass pistol.
Bernice whispered, “This is dangerous. You cannot—”
Paquette thrust out his chin. His hooded eyes had the unwavering fixity of a cobra's as he curled his hand. "Do you call my wife a whore?"
No, this wasn’t good. “I must go down.”
"You know, and I know, Guy, that is exactly what she is."
Bernice gulped. “I go with you.”
Eden kept her eye on the toad as she descended. Dark red splotches materialized on his face.
He opened his fist and held his hand palm up. The man beside him lifted the pistol.
Enough! Eden pushed between the frozen group of servants. André lay crumpled on the floor, eyes closed, the shoulder of his coat soaked with blood. "My God. Is he dead? Have you sent for a doctor? Louis!" She yanked his arm, forcing him to face her. His pallor, a near match to André's, exaggerated the blackness of his eyes.
With a guttural grunt, Paquette motioned his man to close the case. He snapped his fingers and the other man helped him into his coat. A commanding figure, he nodded to Eden. "He is not dead. This time." His stare slid from her to Louis, who now showed controlled disdain. "Perhaps you can impress upon the male Fontaines the gravity of this situation. I will not allow my wife to be involved or maligned by any of them."
"Then you should lock her up!" Eden’s vehemence caused everyone to step back.
Paquette gave vent to coarse laughter. "Ah, Louis, do you allow this girl to speak for the Fontaines? Does she know who she threatens?”
Foul man. Her cheeks hot, she met his gaze. "I speak for myself, not Fontaines."
"Girls should not be allowed to speak. My views on this subject should be clear to you, Madame." His glance flicked from her face to her belly, and with a final snort, he turned. His man sprang for the door.
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What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?
Planning logical obstacles to obstruct or delay the characters’ happy ending. And planning where to insert these obstacles into the plot. I often start by writing the final scene [fun to do but it will change several times!]
Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:
Not my tip but my [grown] daughter’s: paint each other’s toenails! Romantic and fun— according to her.
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Author Biography:
Cat Dubie was the girl who always had her nose in a book, the one who read with a flashlight under the covers or, when the moon was full, sat by a window for hours laughing, crying, loving characters whose adventurous lives wouldn’t let her sleep.
She has traveled the world in books. She has traveled back to the dawn of time and far into the future in books. Her keen interest in history determined the nature of her books, and the first Historical romance novel she read, settled the genre.
After working for various levels of government, she retired and now lives in the beautiful province of British Columbia, where she indulges in her need for creating stories about romance, adventure, passion, mystery, love ...
Social Media Links:
@CatDubie https://twitter.com/catdubie?lang=en