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Hot Love Inferno by @itsnickyblue is a Backlist Bonanza pick #scifihumor #humor #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Hot Love Inferno

Author: Nicky Blue

Genre: Sci-fi Humor

Book Blurb:


A half-woman, half-cockroach fused in a bizarre gardening accident? That would be Mrs Jittery Twitch, dwelling in the shadows of our misdeeds. If in danger, you can call upon her help… all she asks is your soul as payment. But she’s just a legend, so no need to worry. Barry Harris is a 28-year-old man, still living with his dear old mum in a little flat above a hairdresser.

His obsession with Star Trek and the martial arts won’t help him when he’s forced out on a date. And nobody knows about the weird string of events that’s about to put everyone’s lives in danger. A trio of samurai warriors and the strangest offer of help lead Barry on a perilous mission to save the day. (This book is the second in the Prophecy Allocation series but works fine as a standalone read.)


For nature lovers, this was the perfect time of the year; the

terror of winter now a fading memory, the daffodils poking

their heads up, ushering in nine months of peace and solitude

in the great outdoors. That is, if you weren’t having your

eardrums assaulted by Brian Fowler.

Barry Harris was beginning to realise why his had been

the only application to the local council for this rather

neglected plot.

‘Have you heard of the legend of Mrs Jittery Twitch?’

asked Brian, putting down his can of herbicide and leaning on

the fence that separated their allotments.

‘No,’ replied Barry, wondering wearily if this was some

kind of joke.

‘She used to be a familiar part of local folklore, but people

dare not talk about her anymore, and no one really knows if

she exists. Some say she’s half woman, half cockroach, and

came into being when the two were fused in a bizarre gardening accident. Others say she’s a mutated demon sent from the hell realms to punish the wicked.’

‘Really?’ Barry’s eyes widened sarcastically as he sat on an

upside down bucket, forgetting about his work.

‘She lives in the corners of reality, watching us. She knows

our shadow sides intimately, and feeds on the hate of our


The colour started to drain from Barry’s face, so he

looked down and scratched at the dirt with a twig to hide it

from Brian. ‘What does she look like?’ he asked, trying to

make it sound like he didn’t really care.

‘It’s said she has five hundred arms and burning eyes that

can melt your brain just by looking at you. She wears thick

dark glasses, and only takes them off when she decides

punishment is justified.’

‘Shit!’ Barry fumbled with his flask to reassure himself,

twisting the top off clumsily. ‘How do we know she’s not just

a fairy tale?’

Brian took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the

back of his neck. He’d snared his audience, and knew the

value of a dramatic pause. He continued slowly.

‘There is…a way…to summon her, but only if you need

help fighting your enemies.’

‘How?’ asked Barry, now hanging on Brian’s every word.

‘Listen, this isn’t something you want to know about, and

I don’t even know if it works. No one dares beckon her,

because they will be forever in her debt if they do. If she

came calling for you in the future, you might have to perform

unspeakable acts on her behalf.’

Barry had fallen for Brian’s favourite trick—get ‘em keen

then treat ‘em mean— and he hated not knowing. He was

one of those people that had to see the end of a movie no

matter how dreadful it was. ‘Just tell me!’ His nostrils started

to flare.

‘Alright, since you’ve forced my hand. Are you really sure

you want to know? I have warned you…’

Barry’s face began its rapid, well-known transformation

into purple, making Brian chuckle.

‘Calm down, old man, I will tell you. You simply have to

recite the following incantation out loud.’ Brian fetched a pen

from his shed and scribbled away on the back of his yearly

planting calendar. ‘Just look at it, don’t even read it in your


Are you a devil? Are you a witch? Judge the soul of my

enemies, Mrs Jittery Twitch.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Why is your featured book a must-read?

Because you will read it in one sitting and won’t stop laughing!

Giveaway –

Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 66 books featured in the Backlist Bonanza:

Open Internationally.

Runs August 25 – 31, 2020.

Winner will be drawn on September 7, 2020.

Author Biography:

Hi, I'm Nicky, I am from Brighton in England. I have a passion for writing dark comedy & sci-fi fiction. Alongside this, I work as a translator on the planet KELT 2Ab in the Andromeda Galaxy. I'm thinking of leaving though, as the commute is killing me. I'm currently working on a series of comic and strange tales about alternative musicians from the 1980s. If you would like some of my work for free, keep updated and have some fun, come and join my reader's list at:

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