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A Timely Tale of Hope For a Plague Year Chelandra by Bestseller @Gaklari #books #99cents #interview

A Timely Tale of Hope For a Plague Year

Author Interview - Karina McRoberts

You say you have a timely tale for us. How so?

I wrote Chelandra, the first book in my fantasy series, Real Magic, Courage, Cunning, and Craft, a few years ago, when working as a wildlife disease research scientist; I knew what was coming. In the story, young Galla Jenari finds she must face a terrible plague and its social implications. I based it on the medieval plague, and the cholera epidemics in early London; on the courage these people showed when dealing with such a deadly monster when they had no science. They were sooooooo brave! Of course, this is very relevant to the viral pandemic we're facing today. The story will inspire readers - it offers hope.

Your epic fantasy series is called the Real Magic, The Courage, Cunning, and Craft Trilogy. Can you explain the title?

Well, like any good fantasy, it has magic in it. But real magic - that's what any one of us can and should do. By using our hearts (courage), our wits (cunning), and our skills (craft). My main character, Galla Jenari, becomes a healer -this is her craft. She is exceptionally brave and very clever. Innovative. Girl Power Plus!

You've created several fascinating characters named Jenari. Are they related?

Yes, in a way. Not by blood, but by the fact that they are orphans and tend to be social outcasts. Those who bear the name Jenari are not particularly popular. They are alone in this world. As indeed, many people are in our own world. Society tends to forget the Jenaris of this life, assuming that everyone has a solid family and social life. So many people take this for granted. This is of course not the case, and life (and death) can be pretty lonely and tough for these overlooked people.

What's one of the main themes of your trilogy?

Adventure. I've written it so as to surprise and delight the reader - the adventures are many and varied. Many of them are based on contemporary problems we face today.

Can you talk about the general flavour of the books?

Yes. They definitely have a social focus. The stories are very character-driven, and I've worked hard to make these people seem real, right down to their speech idioms, their mannerisms, cultural backgrounds, feats and foibles, and, of course, their relationships. I want my readers to feel for the characters in every circumstance they encounter. To be there with them. To ask themselves, 'What would I do in this situation?'

What's scary about the series?

Vrenfru Jenari. And, the Pillars.

Can you tell us more?

Not wanting any spoilers, Vrenfru is a handsome, highly intelligent man with a severely broken heart. He is very dangerous, though outwardly charming.

The Pillars are powerful evil doers.

Is there romance?

Yes. Many throughout. But my favourite is Vrenfru's and Ahrashel's romance. No spoilers, but, beautiful in the extreme.

How about action? What's exciting?

The pirate airship Physalia, of which Galla is in command. And, the Milliyan sea ship Cassiopeia!

Those names sound familiar. What are they?

These are Latin names for jellyfish.


You'll see. The ships do seem to be alive, at times.

What else can we look forward to in these stories?

The unexpected. You'll be kept guessing, not knowing what's coming next at any stage of the story.

What about humour?

Of course! There's plenty of serious stuff to deal with, but the characters know how to share a joke.

Well, it certainly sounds entertaining! But, do the books convey any sort of message?

Definitely. Understand the nature of your world, revere it, and use your 'real magic' to protect it.

What age group is your series written for?

The series is really for those over 18, as there are some very dark places, although good does triumph over evil. There are have characters of all ages.

Where can people get your books?

The first book in the series, Chelandra, A Thrilling Journey into Love, Magic, and Adventure, is on special for 3 days from June 16th at just 99c, a 75% discount off the list price.

Title: Chelandra: A Thrilling Journey into Love, Magic, and Adventure! (Real Magic - Courage, Cunning, and Craft Book 1)

Author: Karina McRoberts

Book Blurb:

HOW DO HEROES FIGHT THE PLAGUE? AS YOUNG AS YOU ARE, BE PREPARED TO FIGHT FOR EVERYTHING YOU HOLD DEAR. Sixteen-year-old Galla Jenari, bored with castle life, makes her escape. She must grow up very fast, as she finds her world filled with dangers beyond her imaginings. Once ridiculed by the dashing, headstrong, Prince Shiran, Galla's courage and ingenuity become indispensable in his fight against a fierce enemy. As she saves yet another prince from destruction at the hands of his own people, her challenges begin anew as her world struggles with rampant disease and environmental disaster. Desperate for love and acceptance, she matches wits with every male she encounters; gaining respect but losing her heart. As lovers surround her, Galla remains alone. She strikes out and declares herself an equal power, taking command of what has become a pirate airship. Classic epic fantasy with modern themes and young woman at the helm, Chelandra, is sure to delight all those who crave an intelligent fantasy saga. Extensive background notes included.

A note from the author:

The Chelandra Trilogy is classic epic fiction, not unlike Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones.

There is a young woman at the helm, and many themes are based on modern times. I initially wrote this as a way of dealing with some of the horrors happening in the real world, and, as a testament to people who try to do something about such things. However, I did not take the joy out of my story. Plenty of adventure and good humour. Rather swashbuckling, I say!

Author Biography:

Escape to the heights of your mind and the depths of your soul. This is what Karina aims to provide to her readers. Karina McRoberts has published six novels in two genres - The Love, Magic, and Mystery series; time travel adventure/romance, set in Western Australia ("The Palace of the Stars", "The Mine's Eye", and "The Light") and an epic fantasy trilogy with a female lead and modern themes ("Chelandra", "Master of the World", and "Juggernaut"). Her smaller works include an anthology and a short-story ("The Haunting of York - A Ghostly Anthology" and" Lost and Found - A Ghost Story").

More recently, Karina has published a comedy fantasy novella ("Dargo, A Feel-Good Novella"), and two self-instruction books ("Welcome to My Sketchbook, A Beginner's Guide to Drawing and Painting an Illustrated Travel Journal", and "Creative Writing For Beginners - How to Write A Book").

Karina derives inspiration from living in a beautiful forest, while working with her husband to restore the remainder of their environs from degraded farmland to habitat for wildlife. Tahshi, their wonder dog extraordinaire, is a friend to all.

In addition to being an avid conservationist, Karina is a musician with a keen interest in world and renaissance music. She has wandered very far and been engaged in a variety of professions, ranging from migrant sweat-shop labourer to research scientist. Recently, she's been busy as a lizard surgeon and sometime snake handler.

Karina has intense interests in the evolution of social justice and the expansion of human (and animal) consciousness.

Never at a loss for inspiration, she aims to bring her readers entertainment, enlightenment and, most of all, pure enjoyment!

Karina is presently hard at work on her next novel, which will take place in the Scottish Hebrides and The Valley of the Kings.

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