Title: Lights of Love: A Dickens Holiday Romance, Book 14
Author: Morgan Malone
Genre: Contemporary, clean, holiday romance
Book Blurb:
Saul Rosen has quite a reputation in Dickens. He has only recently become a full-time resident after decades of drifting into town for a skiing vacation, some summer cultural event, or to celebrate the Jewish Holidays at Congregation Etz Chaim. Saul is known as a supporter of local businesses, due largely to the years-long restoration of his vast country property. His frequent travels abroad have given him the world-weary air of international intrigue. His silver hair and bright blue eyes cause hearts to flutter. And he’s a bachelor.
Yehudit Eberhardt is also a recent full-time resident of Dickens. Mystery surrounds her, too. After decades living in New York City and Boston, her voice still carries the slightest trace of Europe. Her quiet elegance graces the halls and sanctuary of Etz Chaim, her laugh echoes in Morty’s Deli and her serene smile greets all she meets throughout the friendly town. Living high above the lights of Dickens in her exclusive condominium, Judy—as she is known to friends—seems to have a perfect life. But, as a recent widow, she lives alone, except for her beloved daughter’s frequent visits from Chicago.
Winter has come to Dickens and its famous Christmas spirit is on full display. Judy and Saul are thrown together as the Jewish community of Dickens prepares for Hanukkah. Judy is certain the spark she feels whenever she is near Saul is due to the static electricity of winter woolens. But Saul recognizes the currents of attraction and is drawn to her. Will these two solitary souls be able to ignore the shared losses that draw them together or will the gentle candles of the Hanukkah menorah light the love in their hearts?
So, over that cup of coffee and then a second, Saul talked and Morty listened.
“I was immersed in the law, the possibilities, and the importance of the legal process. I could not see that Veronique was equally devoted to the ballet. Possibly I felt that the law was more important; that ballet was…just…entertainment. Though I respected her talent and her dedication to her work. And I was almost as much in awe of Nureyev as she was. He was brilliant and supremely gifted. Completely enthralling. But I thought she was more in love with me than she was with her art. And I made plans for our future based upon what was, I later realized, an arrogant assumption on my part.
Morty said nothing, his bushy eyebrows lifting once or twice as he listened intently to
Saul’s story.
“As my year of study wound to a close, I began to make plans to return to New York City. My father welcomed me into the family law firm, and I accepted a position as an adjunct professor at NYU’s Law School. I only needed Veronique’s agreement that she would accept a position at the New York City Ballet to make my dreams come true.”
Saul’s sigh was a rasp of regret, and he took a long sip of his now-cool coffee. “But my plans were not Veronique’s plans. She had moved into some minor roles in the company’s productions and was on the cusp of stardom. And she was under Nureyev’s tutelage. I offered her everything in my power to give—a fully staffed apartment on Central Park West, my family’s connections with the New York City Ballet, carte blanche at Tiffany’s and Bergdorf’s— but it was not enough to turn her from her lifelong dream of being a prima ballerina at the Paris Opera Ballet. And partnering with Nureyev.”
“The last week in Paris was hell for me. Veronique became cold and distant, finally delivering her killing blow two days before I—we—were supposed to leave Paris. Throwing the few belongings she had deigned to keep at my flat into the expensive satchel I had bought for her to pack for our voyage to New York, her parting words were a dagger to my heart.”
“She exploded in almost uncontrolled rage, calling me Imbecile! Laughing that I ever imagined that she would choose me over Nureyev! A lifetime with me was worth less than a few words of praise from him. I had ignored—no, dismissed—her dream.” Rubbing his face with both hands, Saul straightened his spine, girding himself to relive those devastating moments.
“She shoved the last garment into the satchel and snapped it shut. Drawing herself up to her impressive height, she strode across the room to the apartment’s door. Her disdainful face was carved from ice. She practically spat her final words at me, ‘Why did you never consider staying in Paris? You can be a lawyer here; you can practice or teach or both. Your French is excellent and your professors would welcome you to be part of the University.’ She accused me of assuming she would follow me because she was just a woman and a woman’s dreams must be deferred to her man’s. My arrogant blindness had killed her love for me. And then she was gone into the spring night. It was the last time I ever saw her.”
Morty had tears glistening in his aging eyes. Saul held up his hand before his friend could speak. He had to finish the story; he would never be able to find the words again.
“I left for London the next day, spending the night at Claridge’s before I took the train to Southampton to board the Queen Elizabeth II for the trip home. I’d used the ‘signing bonus’ given to me by my father to book a suite to share with Veronique. Instead, I emptied an entire bottle of champagne every night, trying to drown my sorrows as sleep eluded me. By the time the Queen passed by the Statue of Liberty several days later, I was barely sober. And resigned to my fate as a single man, determined to devote my life to the law and never to love again.”
Saul finally slumped back in his chair; his hands clasped around the empty coffee mug.
His eyes held no tears, but his voice had become raspy with emotion. “Well, do you still think I’m a rogue who is not fit to make eyes at Yehudit?”
Morty shook his grizzled head. His expression was unreadable as he leaned toward Saul.
“Well. Hell. I see your dilemma, Saul. And I feel your pain. But seriously, old man, you had a lot of chutzpah asking a woman, a French ballerina at that, to choose you over Rudolph Nureyev!” And Morty shook his head in his mournful way. Then, he grinned at Saul.
A stunned silence followed. Then Saul began to laugh. He laughed like he had not laughed in decades. Morty joined in, until finally Henry came from the kitchen with two glasses of water. “Drink up, you two crazy alterkockers, and then shut up, because you’re scaring the waitstaff.”
That, of course, brought more laughter from the two men, though much less raucous. When they finally got their breath back and had wiped mirthful tears from their eyes, Saul glared at his old friend. “So, what now? Do you want me to stay away from Judy? Just be cordial at shul and nothing else? I respect your opinion, Morty, and if you think I could possibly hurt her by expressing my interest in her, I’ll back off.”
“Well, Saul. I think you mean that. And I think you would try. But I’ve seen the way you look at her—and any woman who can get you into the kitchen without twisting your arm, can manage you. And I’ve seen the way she smiles at you. I haven’t seen her smile like that in the eleven months I’ve known her. So, I’m raising no objections, not that I have any standing, except I’m old school and I think she’s a really sweet lady. I’d hate to see her get hurt.” He wagged a long, crooked finger at Saul.
“I have no intention of hurting her, Morty. I also think she is a sweet, lovely lady. Right now, I’m just trying to get her to go to dinner with me.”
“She likes Antonelli’s. So that would be a good choice. And”—Morty’s eyes twinkled mischievously—“she plays mah-jongg on Wednesday nights.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/lights-of-love-a-dickens-holiday-romance-book-14-by-morgan-malone

Share a holiday family tradition:
We have special gifts for some of the nights of Hanukkah. There’s Book Night, Pajama Night, Sock Night, Charity Night, Big Gift Night, and Small Gift Night. My son loves Big Gift Night and my daughter always looks forward to Book Night. And the first night is when we eat lots and lots of latkes!
Why is your featured book perfect to get readers in the holiday mood?
My book is set in the fictional Christmas town of Dickens, located somewhere in New England. Christmas festivities start early, so it was great fun to create a Hanukkah story to showcase its wonderful meaning and traditions and weave my story into the fabric of this Christmas holiday romance series. Plus, Lights of Love is just a wonderful later-in-life love story, bringing together two of the most interesting characters I’ve created.
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Author Biography:
Morgan Malone has been reading romance since the age of twelve, when she first snuck her mother’s copy of The Saracen Blade under the covers to read by flashlight. An award- winning published author of fiction by the age of eight, Morgan waited fifty years, including thirty as an Administrative Law Judge for a small New York State agency, to pen her next work of fiction. Now retired from her legal career, Morgan lives near Saratoga Springs, N.Y. with her rescue dog, Princess. When not writing later-in-life romance about men and women who fall in love for the last, or maybe the first, time in their lives, Morgan is penning romantic memoirs or painting watercolors. She travels frequently with her wonderful daughter, a Clinical Psychologist, and spends time with her awesome son, amazing daughter-in-law, and two delightful grandsons who live nearby.
Social Media Links:
Website: http://www.MorganMaloneAuthor.com