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  • N. N. Light

Book Heaven Wednesday presents My Name Is Danny: Tales From Danny the Dog by @huckfinn76 #books

Title: My Name Is Danny: Tales From Danny the Dog

Author: Danny the Dog, transcribed by Andrew Joyce

Genre: Humor

Book Blurb:

Danny the Dog is a prolific writer. He’s written articles for bloggers around the world and has his own very popular blog where he dispenses his wisdom on a monthly basis. He's humorous, clever, charming, delightful, and sometimes irascible. Or, as he would phrase it, "I'm a purveyor of wit, wisdom, and words."

In My Name Is Danny, Danny writes about his real-life adventures living on a boat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with his human, Andrew. He tells of their trials and tribulations … and the love they have for one another.


Hello, my name is Danny. Some people … well, most people, call me a dog. But I am a person just like everyone else. I may be only two feet tall and have four legs (and some fur), but I’m a person nonetheless. Just ask my roommate Andrew.

To run or not to run, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? … to paraphrase Billy Shakespeare.

Today I'm here to speak about outrageous fortune. And the outrageous fortune of which I speak is the insidious leash my human makes me wear. I mean … really … just because I've run away a few times, he thinks I can't be trusted. I'm a big boy—I'm almost fourteen years old! I can go out catting (excuse the expression) around at night and still make my way home all by myself.

So here's my problem. Andrew doesn't use a regular leash like any sane person would. No, he's gotta use a line from the boat … a twenty-foot-long line, or rope to you landlubbers out there. It's downright demeaning.

The other night we went to a local biker bar. Andrew doesn't like going there because he's a sissy and he thinks the bikers will beat him up, but I bring him anyway. I love the place because the biker girls always crowd around me and pet me and tell me how cute I am. I know that, but it's always nice to hear. Especially when it comes from women with multiple tattoos claiming they are the property of Big Bear or Grunge or whomever. It makes me feel special.

So there we were. Andrew is sitting by himself—naturally. And I'm the star of the show with the females of the pack—naturally. Now, because Andrew does not trust me, he has me tied to a post (it's an outdoor bar). It was then that it happened. One of the girls felt sorry for me and unclasped the leash. Well, partners, I took off like a bat outta you-know-where, but I didn't go far. I just wanted to teach Andrew a lesson.

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Free to read on Kindle Unlimited!

This is Danny the Dog. Isn't he cute?

Transcriber Biography:

Andrew Joyce left home at seventeen to hitchhike throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico. He wouldn't return from his journey until years later when he decided to become a writer. Joyce has written seven books. His first novel, Redemption: The Further Adventures of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, was awarded the Editors' Choice Award for Best Western of 2013. A subsequent novel, Yellow Hair, received the Book of the Year award from Just Reviews and Best Historical Fiction of 2016 from Colleen's Book Reviews. Joyce now lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

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