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Mystical Consequences by M. Flagg is a Trick or Treat Bonanza pick #paranormalromance #pnr #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Mystical Consequences Author: M. Flagg Genre: Paranormal Romance Suspense Book Blurb: Every action has a consequence. And for this mystically enhanced vampire every action is too monstrous to face. To burn in the fires of Hell is his destiny. Rescued by Alana, the woman he loves, Michael Malone consents to a unique, mystical healing, something he doesn’t fully trust. He awakens a seventeenth century man who abhors being turned into a vampire. His mystically human son rails against the comfort of a father he desperately needs. Alana remains cautious until all of Michael’s memories are restored. After an unnerving, unexpected showdown with Cyril, his sire, he acquiesces to the final request of the Georgian Council. But it is a brutal one: To document in detail every kill, every gruesome act as a vampire—in solitary confinement. Will this shatter his reclaimed soul? Will he request death by silver sword? Or is his true destiny only a breath away? Excerpt: Unnerved and unhinged, Alana was grateful they allowed her this one visit. The wait had been endless. Torn between worry and curiosity, she had begged Celia to describe each step of the exorcism. Once Celia told her Thorn was parking the car, an overwhelming urge skyrocketed. “I need to see him, Celia,” she had said, insistent, impatient. “I need to see him now! Knots curdling in her stomach didn’t go away. They tightened like a vise to grip her soul. He’s unaware of his surroundings…unaware of me. That’s what Celia said, and I totally trust her word—but at least he’s no longer in any pain. Holding on to the wooden footboard, she just stood there. She had memorized everything about tonight including his screams. Like flaming arrows arching through the sky, they had pierced her aching heart. Only one other night, when a different terror changed her life, had she felt paralyzed like this. Unearthly howls—I still hear them…. Lying beneath you in your bed at the brownstone as your beast-within surfaced. Just like thousands of times before, she relived the pleasure and the pain of losing her innocence half-way through her mystical mission. What started with a kiss quickly surged to synchronized desire. That horrible night, raw need had her heart racing with anticipation. Refusing to heed the vow that defined a Guardian’s mystical mission, Michael’s touch had been too enticing. So naïve, and willfully, I demanded what I knew I couldn’t have. Forbidden love led to an ecstasy never dreamed possible, before or since. “Every detail still haunts me, my love.” Drawn to him, she moved closer. Once at his side, she wanted to soothe him. She wanted to scream at him. A crooked finger brushed his cheek, not knowing which ‘want’ would win. “Why did you do this? Look at you…pasty skin, eyelids sunken and black. High cheekbones so bruised and hollow…sword wounds, broken ribs, the clawed crevices, and a shoulder bite so raw and…Oh, God. You wanted to destroy yourself. You wanted to leave me forever?” His thin lips, so sensual, so kissable and cool, had no color. She backed away even though outraged at what had been done to him. Leave him now. Don’t give in to this crushing need. And how you still tug at my soul… Her resolve crumbled like a house of cards. For someone who had insisted that she’d walk away, she stubbornly crawled onto the bed. Tender kisses met his icy skin. Her arm snaked behind his broad shoulders to draw him close. Then her trembling fingers combed through his thick-brown waves always worn a little too long. He wouldn’t hear her words or feel the rhythm of her drumming heart. It didn’t matter. “You’ll always be my ultimate temptation because you complete me. Only you can touch my soul. No one understands. They never will.” Another night came to mind, a gentler night. She blinked away the unexpected tears as a slow, small grin began. “I’d known you less than a year, but it felt as if you’d always been there to protect me. We sat next to each other on the couch at your brownstone. You said in that no-nonsense tone, “Read it out loud, my Guardian, because Romantic poems are meant to be shared.” Those dark, penetrating eyes blazed through to my heart. Your arms stayed braced across your chest, but then that charming smile appeared… A really rare expression I’ll never forget.” And like that night so many years ago, similar and indescribable emotion drew her in. “Did you already know how much you meant to me? Your smile was like an affectionate kiss to my soul.” Like a prayer, she whispered, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways—” At the poem’s last line, a teardrop fell to his hair. It shimmered through the dimness of a solitary table lamp. She reveled in the weight of him on her breast, and sadly sighed, “Michael, my love.”

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If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?

Dressing up as a witch has been my go-to for decades. With the perfect long black wig and long black dress, I just love the pointy hat. In fact, I have a few to choose from. Many years ago, in my 30s, I had been considered a hot witch. Now I’m simply an old witch. Cackling, however, is the same at any age.

Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:

Mystical Consequences is a follow-up to an intricate fantasy of redemption in The Vampire’s Retribution. Mysterious changes begin with a unique exorcism. Railing against his past, Michael flounders through denial until forced to accept all he has done. This novel takes the reader on an emotional wild ride through love and redemption with many twists and turns. While the love of his soulmate and his troubled son are beacons of hope, every action and reaction drive him closer to fulfilling an unprecedented destiny no one could have expected.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon gift card

Open internationally.

Runs October 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on November 1.

Author Biography:

Paranormal fiction is the perfect genre to explore the contradictions of love and redemption. A like long resident of New Jersey, Mickey is a retired music teacher and urban school administrator as well as a member of Liberty States Fiction Writers and a Professor in Residence with a local university.

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