Title: The Eidola Project
Author: Robert Herold
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Book Blurb:
It's 1885 and a drunk and rage-filled Nigel Pickford breaks up a phony medium's séance. A strange twist of fate soon finds him part of a team investigating the afterlife. The Eidola Project is an intrepid group of explorers dedicated to bringing the light of science to that which has been feared, misunderstood, and often manipulated by charlatans. They are a psychology professor, his assistant, an African-American physicist, a sideshow medium, and now a derelict, each possessing unique strengths and weaknesses. Called to the brooding Hutchinson Estate to investigate rumored hauntings, they encounter deadly supernatural forces and a young woman driven to the brink of madness. Will any of them survive?
Sarah retrieved the lamp and twisted the peg. The outhouse door swung open on its own, and she gasped.
“Momma?” Sarah asked as she held out her lantern. No. A ruined version of Molly stood in the doorway.
Before her disappearance, people often commented on the sixteen-year-old’s beauty, but in the last twenty-eight days birds pecked out her pretty blue eyes, and maggots now swam in the sockets. Molly’s head hung to the left at an odd angle. Her skin looked mottled with patches of gray, blue, and black. A beetle crawled out of Molly’s half-opened mouth and darted back in.
Sarah’s heart leaped to her throat, and she jumped back. She lost her footing, fell onto the outhouse seat, and dropped the lantern to the floor. She bent to retrieve it; thankful the glass globe did not break. Sarah looked up and saw an empty doorway.
Impossible, she told herself. Must’ve dozed off, had a nightmare, and woke up when I dropped the lamp. Her heart still pounded in her chest, and Sarah took a deep breath to calm herself.
Holding the lamp before her once more, she crept out…
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
· Amazon Kindle (US):https://www.amazon.com/Eidola-Project-Novel-ebook/dp/B07YRB4F99
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· Apple Books (UK):https://books.apple.com/gb/book/the-eidola-project/id1482589362
· Amazon Kindle (UK):https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eidola-Project-Novel-ebook/dp/B07YRB4F99
· Apple Books (US):https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-eidola-project/id1482589362
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Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:
As Mr. Light stated in his review: "This was a great book to read just before Halloween. The author tells an excellent tale of ghosts, spirits and haunting… The book conveys a terrific grasp for horror writing and the ghost stories presented are eerie and well done."
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Author Biography:
The supernatural has always had the allure of forbidden fruit, ever since my mother refused to allow me, as a boy, to watch creature features on late night TV. She caved-in. (Well, not literally!)
As a child, fresh snow provided me the opportunity to walk out onto neighbor’s lawns halfway and make paw prints with my fingers as far as I could stretch. I would retrace the paw and boot prints, then fetch the neighbor kids and point out that someone turned into a werewolf on their front lawn! (They were skeptical.)
I have pursued many interests over the years, but the supernatural always called to me. You could say that I was haunted. Finally, following the siren’s call, I wrote The Eidola Project, based on a germ of an idea I had as a teenager.
Ultimately, I hope my book gives you the creeps, and I mean that in the best way possible! (Book two involves a werewolf and is titled, Moonlight Becomes You. It will be out in a few months. I’m busy writing the third installment of the series! The Eidola Project has won several awards—see my social media links.)
BTW: Eidola is pronounced “eye-do-la” and means ghosts, phantoms, and apparitions.
Social Media Links:
Animated Book Trailer (17 seconds!): https://youtu.be/SZovJ-MZQ5Y
Thank you, Robert, for sharing your book in our Scary Reads for Halloween!