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The Soldier's Final Mission by @LauraMBaird is a Canada/America Bookish pick #militaryromance #July4

Title: The Soldier’s Final Mission

Author: Laura M. Baird

Genre: Military Romance

Book Blurb:

Becca fell in love with Bob through pictures and stories from his cousin. When she finally has a chance to meet him, they share an explosive night of passion and she’s ready for many more. But with Bob called away on mission after mission, he tells Becca to move on, wanting her to have a better life. Shocked and hurt, she does. Years later when a mission incident nearly ends Bob’s life, he reflects back on the love he pushed away and what could have been. Determined to make the most of every minute, he’ll make it his mission to regain Becca’s trust and love; if she can see beyond his mistakes and scars.


Bob thought back, remembering the first time he laid eyes on Becca. Blonde curls bounced around her pixie face as she raced across the sand. Her carefree laughter had joined the call of the gulls that flew overhead. Her compact, shapely body had been the perfect blend of muscles and curves in his opinion. And he got quite the eyeful of that combination as her bikini had allowed for ample viewing of her golden skin.

He slowly made his way across the sand, taking in more details of Becca’s fine body. She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall, maybe a hundred pounds. Her hair stopped just short of her shoulders, and Bob noticed a tattoo peeking out at the base of her neck. He’d have to get closer to see what it was, and he planned to do exactly that.

Bob got within five feet of Becca before she turned to face him. It gave him enough time to see that the tattoo on her neck looked like the symbol for female, only it had a partial U on top of the circle. He’d later learn that it’s the symbol for Mercury—the winged foot god. Shielding the sun with her hand, her green eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled broadly at him.

“Hey, Bob.”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Why is your featured book a must-read?

This is a second-chance love story, a favorite trope of mine. I love when a couple has the opportunity to either mature or move past obstacles in order to find their way back to one another again. Often times, their love is deeper, stronger after they’ve weathered a storm. It’s an angsty, raw love story with humor and family values as well.

Giveaway –

Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 24 books featured in the Canada/America Bookish Event:

Open Internationally.

Runs July 1 – 4, 2020.

Winner will be drawn on July 11, 2020.

Author Biography:

Growing up an introvert, Laura always had her nose in a book. She also loved to pen short stories and poetry when younger. Fast-forward through several stages in her life: serving in the Army, marriage, family, college, and a career in dental hygiene, she began to pursue her dream of writing. Published since 2017, she has fifteen romances and plenty more on the way. She and hubby love spending time with family in the Pacific Northwest.

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