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N. N. Light

The Spiricom by @the_moonshadow is a New Year New Books Fete pick #paranormalmystery #giveaway

Title: The Spiricom

Author: Roslyn Reid

Genre: paranormal mystery

Book Blurb:

She was killed on their wedding day…but he couldn’t let her go. Tall, handsome Dr. Spencer Py was a well-respected environmental scientist…until a limo crash killed his new bride Melanie and left him in a wheelchair. He is racked with despair over his failure to save her until the fateful night he discovers plans on the internet for the Spiricom, Thomas Edison’s electronic device for communicating with the departed. Determined to be united with his beloved Melanie, he builds the device—never imagining his unexpected results would draw an unsuspecting James Early into the scariest case of the Black Maine detective’s life.


Melanie giggled again. “I love you, Sweety. You can have all of me, but save room for the wedding cake.”

Spenser giggled too, enjoying his beautiful bride on their perfect wedding day. Could life get any better? He felt giddy. He felt as if he were floating on air.

He was.

What happened next has been debated around the town of Finderne ever since. Some say Frank Peabo was driving too fast for road conditions. Others claimed it was the fault of black ice, a danger impossible to see. And then there were the more sinister theories . . .

Whatever the cause, the limo slid into a tight curve which curled around like a giant snake, skidding sideways. Frank cursed and fought for control, pumping the brakes and whipping the steering wheel back and forth. His efforts were fruitless—they were heading for a cliff.

There was no guard rail to stop the limo. It teetered on the meager gravel shoulder for a nanosecond, then broke loose and plunged over the drop-off, snap-flipping down the brush-covered hillside, pieces flying everywhere and windows blowing out.

To limo passengers, seat belts don’t exist. Even if they did, Spenser and Melanie never thought of using them. The newlyweds screamed, tossed around like ragdolls in the back seat of the big car on its wild tumble into the ravine.

The limo slammed against a huge mountain pine hard enough to snap the tree in half. Its roof crushed, the vehicle collapsed upside down among the ferns and ladyslippers, its violent plunge ending in a smoking wreck impaled on the tree’s jagged stump.

Moments after Spenser was knocked unconscious he awakened in a daze. He turned to find an imprint of his cheek on the privacy partition.

“What happened?” he groaned. “My head—my whole body aches. And what’s that stuff dripping onto my hand . . . ”

He raised his hand. It was covered with blood. “Where the hell is this coming from?” Groggy, he scrutinized his hands, arms, and face but found no cuts. Only then did he realize the blood wasn’t his.

“Melanie?” He rose up on his elbows and looked around. “Melanie! Melanie!

No answer. He looked up to see a huge stark white cloud above him. “What is that? I can’t be in heaven.” He wiped his eyes and realized it was a mass of white fabric. A large red stain was spreading across it.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

(I included NetGalley as a “buy” link because you can get it there.)

It’s a brand-new year, full of possibilities. Did you make any resolutions/goals for 2022? If so, please share one.

Maybe just to finish the 3rd book in the series!

Why is your featured book a must-read in 2022?

Look at all the “paranormal” shows on TV now! It fits right in!

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.

Runs January 1 – 31, 2022.

Drawing will be held on February 1, 2022.

Author Biography:

Amazon best-selling and award-winning author Roslyn Reid's first mystery, "A Scandal at Crystalline," debuted to almost a dozen five-star reviews on Amazon. It reveals the sinister side of raku pottery and kicks off a series of quirky mysteries set in Maine, featuring Black private detective James Early and his teenage son Tikki. "The Spiricom," the second book in the Early Mystery series, was published in September 2021. Both are available on Amazon. Reid lives with her corgi, Great Pyrenees, and husband in Downeast Maine, where she gardens, lifts weights, and hikes. A former model, she contributed to Llewellyn's annual almanacs for several decades and has written for a few of the local newspapers. She is a member of the Author's Guild, has a blog on Goodreads, a LinkedIn account, and several boards on Pinterest. You can follow her on BookBub & Twitter.

Social Media Links:


Unknown member
Jan 24, 2022

The book sounds very good


Unknown member
Jan 23, 2022

Sounds like a great mystery, thanks for sharing it with me and have a sunshiny day!


N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Jan 17, 2022

Thank you, Roslyn, for sharing your book in our New Year New Books Fete!

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