Genre: Erotic Romance
Book Blurb:
It’s lust at first sight when Dr. Luke Blacke meets the woman overseeing the renovation of his house. After landing a job in his home town, his first order of business is finding his own place and getting out from under his brother’s roof where things go bump in the night, day, and anytime Mark and his fiancée feel in the mood.
Toni Berg is out to prove to her bastard of a brother that she’s a capable architect and can handle the project manager’s job for Luke Blacke, a new customer whose work will bring in a hefty paycheck for the company. The instant magnetism between her and the tall, handsome doctor requires discretion. That doesn’t prevent the lovers from discovering the kinky side of their attraction.
But the property Luke buys holds a secret someone wants and will do anything to obtain. Luke must protect Toni or lose the woman who has opened up a world of sexual pleasures and who brings to life their erotic fantasies. Lust turns to love as danger lurks within the walls of his house.
“You have a dirty mind,” Toni whispered.
“I don’t know. I like thinking about you under me.”
“I suggest you think of something else, or this ride’s going to be painful.” She raised her eyebrow at him and glanced down at the protruding zipper of his jeans.
Luke moaned. “Fine. I’ll think of the antiseptic smell of a hospital. It clings to the skin after spending twelve-hour days working in the place. There. Let’s get this lesson over with.”
She walked him through the logistics. Sgail pranced to the side when Luke settled into the saddle. She took hold of the horse’s bridle and patted his neck to calm him.
“You talk to the horse through the way you sit, hold the reins, and use your legs. Right now, you’re pressing hard with your inside leg. He thinks you want him to move to the outside of the ring. I want you to relax, concentrate on keeping your heels down and your butt against the saddle. Don’t worry about the reins. I’ll guide the horse with the lunge line for a few minutes as we walk around the ring so you can get used to the movement.”
He tightened his hold on a clump of mane when Sgail started moving forward.
“Try to focus on your heels down and move your bottom with the motion of the horse.” She encouraged him with a smile.
“Got it.” They walked around the ring and stopped.
“Keep your back straight, heels down, and gather the reins in your hands like I showed you. Gentle. You don’t want to yank. When I tell you, squeeze your legs against his sides with equal pressure. Sgail should move forward at a walk.”
Luke blew out a deep breath and followed directions. The horse started moving, and he wanted to cheer and cling to the gray mane at the same time. Toni let out the lunge line, allowing the horse to stretch his legs in a quick walk.
“Very good. Keep him walking by continuing the pressure.” Finally, she said, “When I say stop, press your butt tight against the saddle and pull back gently on the reins. Understand?”
“Yep.” Luke nodded along with the word.
“Great. Shoulders back. One. Two. Three. Stop.” Horse and rider came to a jolting halt.
He grinned. “Are we done?”
“We can be. You’ve been on for half an hour. Are you ready to dismount?”
“I think.” He tentatively patted Sgail’s neck.
She explained dismounting, and in a matter of seconds, he planted his feet on the ground. “I’ll do it again.”
“Good. You catch on fast. Let’s put Sgail back in his stall. He deserves a treat. Then we can go to the house and have something to drink.” They made sure the horse was settled with a few handfuls of oats and some fresh water, before they locked his stall door and moseyed toward the house.
Angela sat in the sun. Her head rested against the back of an Adirondack chair, her eyes hidden behind sunglasses as they approached. Luke got the impression she scrutinized them like a vulture waiting to swoop in and steal the prize.
“Done riding?” she asked in her throat-clogging sweet voice.
“Yes. For the first time, I took it slow,” he replied.
They attempted to ignore her as they opened the door to enter the house.
“I’d love to see Luke’s plans,” she said.
“When they’re finished,” Toni shot back at the woman, not giving her a chance to ask to come inside.
They removed their shoes in the outer area, and when Luke reached over to lock the door, Toni stilled his hand. “She has a key to that door so she can get in and take care of the animals if I’m not home. I lock the next door when I’m here. I’m the only one with a key to that door.” She took his hand and pulled him inside, shooing Jumbles out of the way when he bounded over, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.
“Upstairs.” She laughed and pushed his hands away from engulfing her. She led him up the staircase and along a long hall. They entered a double-doored room.
“Wow, this is your bedroom?” He scanned the space. A vaulted ceiling opened up the area, which was decorated in different shades of whites and greens. They sat on the window seat that overlooked the back yard and the farm pond.
“This space is like you, beautiful yet down to earth. I think this window seat will be a favorite place to make love. When’s the next time Angela will be gone?” He nibbled her neck, waiting for an answer.
“She usually takes off Wednesdays and heads out for the night. I have no idea where she goes.” She stroked over Luke’s whiskers. “These are new.”
“Weekend scruff when I’m not on call. I’ll shave if you prefer a smooth chin.” He winked at her.
“No, this is good.” She rubbed back and forth. Let’s get cleaned up. I want to show you the rest of the house, and if you think this is a cool place for sex, wait until you see my playroom.”
He coughed. His tongue stumbled over the idea. “I can’t believe you have a playroom.”
“Doesn’t everyone?” she said and added a flirty shrug.
“Depends. We call ours a family room. People with children might call it a playroom. But a single person with a playroom raises eyebrows, a la Fifty Shades.”
Toni’s eyes narrowed. “Do you find the idea of that type of playroom disturbing?”
“I’m not sure. Do you do what you do to men?”
“What do you think I do?”
“Jeez, I’m digging a hole. Show me your playroom. I’m sure we can negotiate our likes and dislikes.”
“Follow me.” She sashayed along the hall to a locked door.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/until-we-get-it-right-cadence-vonn/1135917735?ean=2940163173808
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/until-we-get-it-right-a-blacke-brothers-novel-by-cadence-vonn

What’s your favorite thing about the Fall season:
The colors and the cool air. It’s a great time to make soups and bake bread. It’s a pleasant change after a hot summer. As the evenings get darker earlier, I have more time to read and enjoy the new season of my favorite shows on TV.
What inspired you to write this story:
After the first two books in the Blacke Brothers series, Luke’s story was screaming in my head to be written. Living a number of years outside Hershey, I wanted the series to be about loving, sexy guys who enjoy family and a small town atmosphere instead of a large city. Luke was based on a doctor I meet while in the area.
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Author Biography:
Cadence has a BFA in photography and silversmithing. She is an accomplished doodler and daydreamer who discovered she enjoys writing down the stories that dance in her head. After many years in Pennsylvania, her dream came true. She now resides with her husband on an island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She wakes every morning to a sunrise over the Puget Sound where each day she’s inspired by the beauty. Available books:
Play A Game With Me
The Perception Game
The Blacke Brothers Novels
Revving Her Heart
From Denver to Forever
Until We Get It Right
Who Knew…It Takes Two!
Who Knew…His Friend Would Do!
Beautiful Will Do
Fantasy Lover
Coming soon: Kitten, An Elerbee Island Story
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