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  • N. N. Light

Celebrate weddings with Until We Get it Right by @CadenceVonn #eroticromance #weddings #giveaway




Book Blurb:

It’s lust at first sight when Dr. Luke Blacke meets the woman overseeing the renovation of his house. After landing a job in his home town, his first order of business is finding his own place and getting out from under his brother’s roof where things go bump in the night, day, and anytime Mark and his fiancée feel in the mood.

Toni Berg is out to prove to her bastard of a brother that she’s a capable architect and can handle the project manager’s job for Luke Blacke, a new customer whose work will bring in a hefty paycheck for the company. The instant magnetism between her and the tall, handsome doctor requires discretion. That doesn’t prevent the lovers from discovering the kinky side of their attraction.

But the property Luke buys holds a secret someone wants and will do anything to obtain. Luke must protect Toni or lose the woman who has opened up a world of sexual pleasures and who brings to life their erotic fantasies. Lust turns to love as danger lurks within the walls of his house.


Toni used gloves to muck the stalls and feed the horses the next morning. For once, her nails looked amazing, and she didn’t want to destroy the manicure before the wedding. She had no qualms about going today. Lily and all the others were wonderful. She’d have no trouble accepting the sweet woman as another mother. If Luke were to propose, she’d be embraced in the same way as Emily and Allison. They got along so well, Lily was one of Allison’s bridesmaids. Would Luke even consider marriage? Time would tell now that their relationship was out in the open.

Jason had called her this morning inquiring about the status of Luke’s remodel. He wanted to know if she was working today. That seemed odd. But the strangest part, he didn’t raise his voice once. Even when she told him she’d be attending Luke’s brother’s wedding for the day. Shit, he told her to have fun.

She chewed on her lower lip as she headed back to the house to shower and dress in her new outfit. His odd behavior had her on full alert. What was the man up to now? It didn’t take her long to shower and take care of Jumbles.

Key in the ignition, she pulled it out and returned to the house. Instead of leaving the interior door unlocked like she did out of habit so Angela could get in and feed the dog and cat, she locked the deadbolt. A sense of unease made her fidget on the drive to Allison’s place.

Spying Luke standing near the deck dressed in a blue suit and a crisp white shirt drove all other thoughts from her mind. She approached him as he surveyed the vast lawn. A tent had been set up with a dance floor and tables scattered around the parquet. Spring flowers sprouted from crystal vases that caught the sun’s rays and reflected rainbows across the white tablecloths. The simple elegance belonged in the pages of some bridal magazine.

“Hi.” She slipped her hand in his. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Becca has a knack for making everything glamorous. She’s outdone herself with this. I think she appreciates the way Allison didn’t hesitate to help her when she escaped Philadelphia and her father’s thumb. They’ve become close.”

“You’re right. Last night, they laughed about the fights they had as teenagers. I would have enjoyed having a sister.”

Luke squeezed her hand. “Did you have a nice time with Mom and the others?”

“Yes.” She rose on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his jaw. “Thank you. I’m glad I went. Lily’s wonderful. She and my mom would have been best friends if they had known each other.”

“You can show your appreciation tomorrow when we’re alone. Bring Jumbles, and we’ll introduce him to Ditzy.”

“Where’s the dog?”

“She went to a posh doggy daycare yesterday afternoon. Some friend of Becca. It was the one thing she insisted on. She literally put her foot down. Quite the stomp a month ago at Sunday brunch. For a minute, it looked like there’d be a knock-down fight. Allison agreed if Ditzy would spend the day being pampered and be able to play, not locked in some kennel. Nick came to the rescue and reserved the whole place just for Ditzy. I’m sure he got a special reward from Allison.” Luke snorted and laughed.

“So you’ll need to pick her up?”

“The kennel will deliver her tomorrow morning at nine, so I’ll need to be awake.”

“I’ll be over later.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I can’t wait.”

“Me neither. How was your night? Were you lucky?”

“Yep. We all won, but Nick won the most. He’s even sober and looking good today. We all saw Jason at the casino.” Luke pulled out his phone. “Do you know this man?”

Toni studied the photo Luke took last night. “No. I’ve never seen him before. He looks nasty.”

“They were arguing. Something about money, keys, and a deadline of Monday.”

“Hm. Jason called this morning. Wanted an update about your house. He didn’t yell, and even inquired what I was up to today. Strange conversation.”

“We’ll figure it out tomorrow. Right now, let’s enjoy a wedding.” He hugged her. “I’ll escort you to a seat next to Wilson and Hailey. Then we’ll sit together at dinner.”

“You don’t have to sit at the head table?”

“Allison and Nick are at a table in the front. We can all sit with our respective partners. Then we’ll dance the night away.”

“Luke,” Becca called from the house.

“The General summons. Let’s get you seated.”

“I can manage. I see Wilson. You go and answer the call of duty.” She kissed him then strolled down between the white folding chairs. Each end chair had a cluster of white roses and lavender gathered with silver ribbon. This would be her idea of a wedding. Down to earth. Nothing pompous. She reached Wilson. He stood and allowed her to enter the row and sit next to a lovely young woman she assumed was Hailey.

“Nice to see you,” Wilson said. “This is my daughter, Hailey. Hailey, this is Luke’s girlfriend, Toni Berg.”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Why is your featured book a must-read?

Until We Get It Right has a sexy romance and suspense to keep you turning the pages. Getting to know all the Blacke brothers, Luke’s story includes Nick’s wedding. Each Blacke Brothers Novel is a standalone love story, where the hero falls hard and fast for the heroine and all four brothers are willing to protect the women they love. Their lives are intertwined throughout all the books so you can enjoy the close-knit family dynamics.

To discover why Until We Get It Right is a must read, check out N.N. Light’s 5+star review -


Open Internationally.

Runs June 9 – 12, 2020.

Winner will be drawn on June 19, 2020.

Author Biography:

Cadence has a BFA in photography and silversmithing. She is an accomplished doodler and daydreamer who discovered she enjoys writing down the stories that dance in her head. After many years in Pennsylvania, her dream came true. She now resides with her husband on an island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She wakes every morning to a sunrise over the Puget Sound where each day she’s inspired by the beauty. Available books: Play A Game With Me. The Perception Game. Revving Her Heart. From Denver to Forever. Until We Get It Right. Yours…Mine…Always. Beautiful Will Do. Fantasy Lover. BASH. Who Knew…It Takes Two! Who Knew…His Friend Would Do!

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