Title: Hard Days: My Life With a Neurodegenerative Disease
Author: Dr. Branko Lugović
Genre: Medicine/Health/Parkinson’s Disease
Book Blurb:
This book follows a patient's journey with a rare, but deadly neurodegenerative disease - progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP).
The book covers the full journey, from the early days of the disease, first symptoms, and multiple wrong diagnoses to treatment, which has helped the patient live a 'normal' life.PSP is a rare neurological condition that can cause problems with balance, movement, vision, speech, and swallowing.
All the profits made from this book will be reinvested in helping patients with this disease live a dignified life.
My Review:
A powerful and heartfelt treatise about a rare disease that is a scourge. The author is a doctor who suffers from PSP but this is not a book about the disease. This is a book about one person living with the disease.
Brilliantly written and flows smoothly, this book could be a godsend for those who suffer from PSP. With estimates that only three to six out of every 100,000 worldwide have progressive supranuclear palsy - you might think this book has a limited reach.
What one has to bear in mind is that this book is also for every family member or friend who knows the person who has this disease. This book isn't a how to treat it or what exactly it is. This is a book that shows a personal experience of living with this disease. This book also exemplifies that a person doesn't have to just succumb. There can be ways a person can battle. This book could inspire people diagnosed with PSP. This book could be essential to anyone who knows a person battling PSP.
A truly excellent book that is an important work.
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
The author spent 40 years working in research, academia, and the world of business. Following his PhD, he started his professional career as a lecturer and researcher. This led him to become the head of Virology Department and to work in laboratories in Croatia, Switzerland and the USA. During the late 80s he replaced the white lab coat with a suit and tie and started a 20-year long corporate career leading him to the position of a division director at the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. Since retirement, he spends his time working in the vineyard and olive groves.
Social Media Links:
Facebook, Branko Lugovic
Reviewed by: Mr. N