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Mistletoe Kisses boxset by @HVanlandingham is a Christmas and Holiday Festival pick #romance

N. N. Light


Mistletoe Kisses boxset


Heidi Vanlandingham


American historical romance

Book Blurb:

Music and Moonlight

Orphan Jillian Simpson loves Christmas, but she loves childhood friend, Graham Rogers, more. When he returns from college and doesn’t seem to notice her at all, she wonders if he’ll ever see the woman she’s become. Although Graham returns to Saint Charles, Missouri to begin his career as an attorney and with intentions to declare his love to Jillian, everything falls apart when his job offer is withdrawn before he’s even started. Will the magic of Christmas be strong enough to bring these two together again?

Sleighbells and Snowflakes

Railroad heiress Isabelle Baker dreams of becoming a mother and building a loving family but dreads the marriage of convenience her parents are pressuring her into accepting. Attorney Phillip Dobson has reluctantly accepted a position in the family law firm, but when his drive to help those in need clashes with his father’s social bias, his job and new relationship with Isabelle are threatened. Will the scales of justice weigh in favor of losing his position or losing his heart?

Angels and Ivy

Losing her parents at Christmas makes the season a difficult time for Grace Shepherd, but with her friends finding love, her heart aches for a family of her own. Born into wealth and privilege, Douglas Campbell longs to create a meaningful life. Can a woman afraid to love find the courage to love a man willing to prove his worth?

Nutcrackers and Sugarplums

After losing her family in the war, Alicia Price throws everything she has into her bakery, Sugarplums. When she becomes overwhelmed with Christmas orders, she discovers a kindred spirit in war veteran Gideon Sinclair and accepts his offer of help. Can the joy of the season and encouragement of their friends help Alicia and Gideon discover a new beginning together?


“Was that who I think it was?” Isabelle Baker whispered in her usual loud voice. Her best friend was nothing if not conspicuous. She loved having all eyes on her, which was what made their friendship so perfect. Jillian didn’t mind at all staying in the shadows while Isabelle soaked up the attention.

“I love what you’ve done with the greenery inside the church. It’s positively festive in here.” Jillian glanced around the room. Everywhere she looked, boughs of evergreen branches were hung with large red bows. Even the two front doors hadn’t escaped Isabelle’s penchant for over-decorating. Two huge wreaths hung on both doors. Decorative red ribbons wound through each, and there were small glass ornaments nestled inside the dark green branches along with holly sprigs heavy with bright red berries.

“You have outdone yourself.”

Isabelle swatted at Jillian’s arm. “Don’t change the subject. Is that who I think it is?”

She let out a small sigh, knowing her friend was as persistent as a dog with a bone when her mind was set on something. “Yes, Isabelle, that is Graham. He has returned from Pennsylvania. But, before you ask for particulars, I have no more information than that. He only just arrived when Miranda hustled us out the door to come here for the town meeting.”

“Well, we’ll just have to fix that now, won’t we?”

Jillian scowled at her best friend. “Don’t even think about it.”

Isabelle’s shapely brows rose. “And why not? He’s handsome, you’ve been in love with him since you were ten—”

She grabbed Isabelle’s arm and pulled her away from everyone else. “You swore you would never say anything!”

“But I haven’t—”

“You just did! In a room full of people, Isabelle! And your voice carries as you well don’t know the meaning of the word whisper.” Jillian leaned in, almost nose to nose, and narrowed her gaze. “You will stay silent and not, I repeat, not do a single thing. No matchmaking. Do you understand?”

Isabelle’s lips thinned in a straight line but she nodded, the corkscrew curls hanging over her shoulder bouncing and sliding over her beautiful dark fuchsia silk bodice.

Father Daniel clapped his hands at the front of the church and smiled as everyone turned their attention toward him, his cheeks rosy and his smile immediately calming Jillian’s tight nerves. “All right, everyone. I’m quite certain you would all much rather be at home with your families on this fine winter evening, so we will get on with this meeting so you can do just that! Now then, all we need is a quick rundown of the events to make sure everyone is ready for the upcoming week’s festivities.” He glanced around the room, his gaze landing on Jillian.

“There you are, Jillian. Since the mercantile’s party for the orphans is the first event, I’ll have you go first.”

Jillian took a quick breath and gave the minister a smile as she stepped forward. “Thank you, Father Daniel. As everyone knows, Miranda and I have been gathering presents from the businesses, churches, and anyone who is willing to donate for the orphanage. However, we are still fifteen presents short. I have given a list to Father Daniel so anyone who wishes to remain anonymous can give through the church. Otherwise, all donations, money or actual presents, can also be dropped off here.

“As you all know, the mercantile’s party will take place three days from today at seven in the evening. We will need a few volunteers to help get the children to and from the orphanage as some have physical limitations. If you can let me or Miranda know some time before then if you can help, I would appreciate it.”

Father Daniel nodded as he called on the next person, but all Jillian could think about was the way Graham was looking at her from across the room. The entire time she talked, his gaze remained on her, making her self-conscious and jittery as she clasped and unclasped her hands. What she wanted to do was run back to the mercantile and hide in her room and listen to her music box. The sounds of the tinny notes filling her small room calmed her rioting nerves and allowed her to think like nothing else could. And right now, her mind was in a chaotic mess.

Isabelle had been right. She never got over her feelings for Graham. She’d fallen in love with him that Christmas night so long ago, and she was still in love with him. She watched as he frowned at something his best friend, Douglas Campbell, said as Graham clapped him on the shoulder. Maybe it was silly of her. She had been a child. She didn’t know the man and had barely known the boy, but there was something that pulled her to him. Something she didn’t want to think too much about until she got to know him better.

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Share a holiday family tradition:

Every year (for the last 30+ years actually), I bake orange juice cookies (for my two sons), chocolate chip cookies (that my sisters can’t seem to replicate, even though they’re using the same recipe), and oatmeal raisin cookies for my father. Technically, he gets all three kinds and sits in happy bliss munching on them all day long until my mother gives him the stink eye, and he grumblingly puts them away. Every year it’s the same, and every year I treasure it.

Why is your featured book perfect to get readers in the holiday mood?

What better way to get into the holiday spirit than to discover four friends who find love when the magic of Christmas shows them the way? I love George C. Scott’s A Christmas Carol and watch it several times a year. While I love Europe, especially in the historical sense, I wanted to read about an American historical Christmas (which I’ve always pictured as somewhat European) but couldn’t find one, so I wrote these four novellas. I hope you enjoy them!

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Runs December 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on January 3, 2023.

Author Biography:

Heidi Vanlandingham writes sweet, action-packed stories that take place in war-torn Europe, otherworldly magical realms, and the Wild West. Her love of history finds its way into each book, and her characters are lovable, strong, and diverse. Heidi’s stories transport the reader to a different place and time for understanding, compassion, and most of all, love.

Growing up in Oklahoma and living one year in Belgium gave Heidi a unique perspective regarding different cultures. She still lives in Oklahoma with her husband. Her oldest son is in the autism spectrum and is working hard at living on his own while her youngest son is in college and working toward his own dreams. Heidi’s favorite things in life are laughter, paranormal/fantasy romance books, music, and long road trips.

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