Title: Mistletoe Wishes: A Regency Christmas Collection
Author: Anna Campbell
Genre: Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
Six breathtakingly romantic Christmas treats from Anna Campbell, together in one collection at last – and all at a bargain price!
The Winter Wife: Will an unexpected meeting on Christmas Eve deliver a second chance at love?
Her Christmas Earl: To save her sister from scandal, Philippa Sanders ventures into a rake’s bedroom – and into his power. Now only a hurried Christmas marriage can rescue her reputation.
A Pirate for Christmas: What is vicar’s daughter Bess Farrar to do when the dashing new earl, the man gossip paints as a ruthless pirate, kisses her on their first meeting? Why, kiss him right back of course!
Mistletoe and the Major: After years of war, Major Lord Canforth returns to England a hero. Now he faces his greatest battle—to win the heart of the wife he hasn’t seen since their wedding.
A Match Made in Mistletoe: Serena Talbot makes a wish on the mistletoe—but the mistletoe gets it wrong! A Christmas of chaos and confusion lies ahead. Will mistletoe magic lead to a happy ending?
The Christmas Stranger: At Christmastime, a stranger crossing the threshold means good fortune. But is Josiah Hale’s arrival lucky for Maggie, the girl Christmas forgot?
Flick’s lips turned down in a self-derisive smile. “I owe you an apology. That was a poor welcome I gave you. An empty house, and a wife stinking of the stables.”
Actually when he’d first touched her, Canforth had caught the scent of crushed flowers and something that was Flick alone. He’d remembered that fragrance immediately—it would always be the aroma of heaven. There might have been a hint of horse and hay, too, but he hadn’t cared. He’d been too busy fighting the urge to bury his face in her hair and tell her how much he’d missed her. Which would have ruined things between them forever. If he leaped on her like a starving wolf the minute he came home, she’d run for the hills.
“It’s still my home, empty or not, and I gave you no warning I was coming. But you haven’t told me why you’re spending Christmas alone.”
She took another sip of wine. “I didn’t feel like going through all the hullabaloo this year. It…it seemed easier to miss you here at Otway than in a noisy, happy crowd of people, however much I love them.”
Shock made him sit up straight and stare at her. “You missed me?”
The question surprised her. “Of course.”
“But I’ve been away for ages.”
She gave a grim laugh. “I know.”
By Jove, that was dashed nice to hear. Dashed nice. To think, she’d missed him.
Perhaps his case wasn’t quite as hopeless as he thought. He leaned back and stretched his legs toward the fire. “Well.”
A smile lit her eyes to burned caramel. “Well, indeed.”
She set aside her wine and picked up her sewing, as if she hadn’t changed his world in the space of a second. “It means a plain Christmas dinner, I’m afraid. A returning hero deserves to have all the stops pulled out.”
Another silence fell, this one more comfortable than the last. Canforth finished his wine and let its warmth fortify the warmth seeping into his blood with every moment in his wife’s presence. For years, he’d been cold and lonely. Was his exile finally at an end?
He’d had no idea what welcome awaited him at Otway Hall. But this hadn’t been it.
Although so far, he had no complaints. He and Flick had never managed a proper conversation before. He prayed this was only the first of many to come.
“Compared to some of the places I’ve been since I left you, this is luxury indeed,” he said, as if there had been no break in the conversation. She’d been brave enough to admit she’d missed him. He could be brave, too. “And having you to myself for a few days without worrying about an army of servants or an influx of guests is perfect.”
She looked up quickly. “Really?”
She drank from her wineglass to hide another blush. And he still found it charming. “Would you like to go to the midnight service?”
He shook his head. “I’d rather keep my head down for a couple of days, before the villagers discover I’m back. Is that too ungodly?”
“No, it makes perfect sense. If you’d come back to a house full of servants, keeping your arrival quiet would be impossible. But Biddy and Joe won’t gossip, and this gives you a chance to settle in without anyone bothering you.”
Not quite true. His wife bothered him a great deal. “Will you go?”
“Oh, yes. I have so many reasons to be thankful.”
She smiled, and his lingering misgivings about the future faded to a distant rumble. He was home. He had time to make everything the way he wanted it.
Buy Links:
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mistletoe-Wishes-Regency-Christmas-Collection-ebook/dp/B07GRH1KCD/
Amazon Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/Mistletoe-Wishes-Regency-Christmas-Collection-ebook/dp/B07GRH1KCD/
Amazon Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/Mistletoe-Wishes-Regency-Christmas-Collection-ebook/dp/B07GRH1KCD/
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mistletoe-wishes-anna-campbell/1129405597?ean=2940155785224
iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/mistletoe-wishes-a-regency-christmas-collection/id1434147106

Share a holiday family tradition:
Eating a full English-style Christmas dinner including roast turkey and stuffing and plum pudding, even though it’s a sweltering Australian summer outside.
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Author Biography:
ANNA CAMPBELL has written eleven multi-award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in 23 languages. She has also written 24 bestselling independently published romances. Anna has won numerous awards for her Regency-set stories including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice, the Booksellers Best, the Golden Quill (three times), the Heart of Excellence (twice), the Write Touch, the Aspen Gold (twice) and the Australian Romance Readers Association’s favorite historical romance (five times). Her books have three times been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA Award and three times for Australia’s Romantic Book of the Year. Anna is currently engaged in writing the Lairds Most Likely series which starts with The Laird’s Willful Lass (2018). Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @AnnaCampbellOz
Website: http://www.annacampbell.com