Title: RapAnn’s All
Author: Laura Strickland
Genre: Fairy Tale Retold (Romance)
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb:
Surrendered to a powerful witch at birth, RapAnn doesn't know her parents. When she resists becoming the mistress of a lecherous roué, her guardian imprisons her in a tall tower as punishment. There, she has only the music of her voice and the company of the birds for comfort.
Prince Kenzie, hearing her song, vows to free her, but the tower lies in the grip of the witch's dark magic. Even if their love survives the spell, how can RapAnn, deceived by illusion, ever see the truth in Prince Kenzie's eyes?
Book Trailer:
“Your courage astounds me. I ha’ known a wealth o’ brave men in my time, including my elder brothers and my father, the king. But their deeds pale in comparison wi’ what you ha’ endured.”
“It is kind in you to say.”
“No kindness, mistress, but truth.”
“I do not understand the truth. I fear I have never heard much of it.”
“The truth is, you are as courageous as you are beautiful.” He caught my fingers in his and raised them to his lips. In the same motion, he fell from his place on the window sill where he’d been perched all the while, to one knee.
“Allow me, Mistress RapAnn, to be your champion and your savior. Grant to me that great privilege.”
Oh, the feel of his lips, warm and sure, on my fingers! It made my head go light. But I could not permit this.
“Have you not heard what I’ve told you?” I cried.
“Aye, I have.” He did not release my hand.
“Lady Margaret is powerful. She is wicked. If you take me from here, she will make you pay.”
“How will she know?”
“She will. She will!”
“It is many a mile to her manor and you say she comes but seldom. Even if her magic tells her you have escaped, we will be long gone by the time she reaches here. Down the rope and awa’.”
“She will find out. She will pursue you to the end of the earth. To the end of your life.”
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Author Biography:
Multi-award-winning author Laura Strickland delights in time traveling to the past and searching out settings for her books, be they Historical Romance, Steampunk or something in between. Her first Scottish Historical hero, Devil Black, battled his way onto the publishing scene in 2013, and the author never looked back. Nor has she tapped the limits of her imagination. Venturing beyond Historical and Contemporary Romance, she created a new world with her ground-breaking Buffalo Steampunk Adventure series set in her native city, in Western New York. Married and the parent of one grown daughter, Laura has also been privileged to mother a number of very special rescue dogs, and is intensely interested in animal welfare. These days while she's writing, you can always find her latest rescue, Lacy, nearby. Her love of dogs, and her lifelong interest in Celtic history, magic and music, are all reflected in her writing. Laura's mantra is Lore, Legend, Love, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Social Media Links:
Author Website: www.laurastricklandbooks.com
Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000002632317
Author Amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/Laura-Strickland/e/B001KHSACW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Author Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/760146.Laura_Strickland
Author Twitter:
Laura Strickland Author @LauraSt05038951