Title: Reinventing Rita
Author: Nancy Christie
Genre: Women’s fiction/Contemporary
Book Blurb:
Is fifty too old to start over and reinvent yourself? That’s what Rita Reynolds has to decide after a series of unwelcome occurrences arrive in time for her fiftieth birthday, not the least of which is realizing that since her divorce, she’s been coasting on the highway of life. Now, it’s time to hit the gas and start moving ahead, even if the bumps in the road are slowing her down! But is it too late for a midlife makeover? With the help of her friends, including her employer Donna and her ex-husband's second wife Karen, she's about to find out.
Chapter 12
“Ta da!” said my son, coming into the kitchen with a box labeled Harry’s Frozen Custard. “I knew better than to get you a regular cake, you being the baker and all, but I figured an ice cream one would be safe.”
He opened the lid with a flourish. There, in bright red cursive letters were the words “Happy 50th birthday, Mom!”
“Bet you thought I forgot,” he added smugly, while Angie stepped forward and handed me a small package.
Candy? A scarf? I wondered as I pulled off the wrapping paper. But I was wrong. It was a book: Finding a Career When You’re Over 50—You’re Never Too Old to Have a Future.
“Thanks,” I said, giving them each a hug while wondering if they noticed my lack of enthusiasm. “This was so sweet.”
I took a quick glance at the chapter headings—“No skills? No worries,” “What to do when you can’t do anything,” and “Back-to-school tips for the 50-plus student”—before closing the book. “Really, thanks so much. Now let’s have some of this delicious cake, shall we?” hoping to forestall any further conversation about my future. But if I thought that food would distract my son, I was sorely mistaken.
“I talked to Dad about you teaching a class and he thinks it’s a great idea,” said Zack, as he wolfed down a slice of cake—pistachio ice cream sandwiched between two dark fudge layers. “He said if you do it, let him know, and he’ll have Karen sign up. He said she can’t bake—not even slice-and-bake cookies.”
Hmm, just for a moment, I lost myself in imagining what it would be like to have Karen—perfect, polished, professional Karen—in my class. Telling her what she was doing wrong—“No, Karen, first you have to sift the flour”—while I was placing perfectly sliced apples into my apple tarte tatin. Karen, pulling her burned oatmeal-raisin bread from the oven—“You really need to watch the timer, Karen”—while I sliced through my perfectly baked light brown loaves. Karen—
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Bookshop: https://bookshop.org/p/books/reinventing-rita-a-midlife-moxie-novel-volume-1-nancy-christie/19747977
Books-A-Million: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Reinventing-Rita/Nancy-Christie/9781667883472?id=8824368257731

What makes your featured book a must-read?
Reinventing Rita addresses the issues of midlife changes and challenges in a lighthearted yet honest way. Any woman who is experiencing empty-nest syndrome or a loss of identity and is wondering what is next for her will identify with Rita’s emotional rollercoaster as she explores who she can be in the next phase of her life.
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Author Biography:
Nancy Christie is the award-winning author of the novel, Reinventing Rita (BookBaby), the first in her Midlife Moxie Novel Series; three short story collections: Mistletoe Magic and Other Holiday Tales, Traveling Left of Center and Other Stories and Peripheral Visions and Other Stories (all from Unsolicited Press); two books for writers: Rut-Busting Book for Authors and Rut-Busting Book for Writers (both from BookBaby) and the inspirational book, The Gifts Of Change (Atria/Beyond Words).
Her short stories and essays have appeared in numerous print and online publications, with several earning contest placement.
The host of the Living the Writing Life podcast and the founder of the annual “Midlife Moxie” Day and “Celebrate Short Fiction” Day, Christie teaches writing workshops at conferences, libraries, and schools. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), the Florida Writers Association (FWA) and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA).
Social Media Links:
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/NChristie_OH