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Rio Connection by @CarolAnnHenry is a Backlist Bonanza pick #romanticsuspense #giveaway

Title: Rio Connection (Book #3)

Author: Carol Henry

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense

Book Blurb:

After finding her fiancé in the arms of her aerobics instructor, Marcia Kline calls off the wedding. When she learns her brother, Russell, is in trouble in Rio de Janeiro, she goes on her honeymoon alone to check up on him and runs smack-dab into Russell's boss, Jared Reed, whom she'd been briefly involved with two years ago. Before long, Marcia becomes entangled in the danger surrounding her brother and the seamy underworld of high-tech espionage during Carnaval. Jared Reed suspects Russell Kline is in Rio selling his latest avatar prototype. He flies to Rio to catch Russell in the act, and instead saves Marcia from being kidnapped at knife point. Jared suspects Marcia is involved in her brother's scheme, so to keep an eye on her, he decides to help her search for Russell. And finds it hard to keep his emotions for Marcia in check. In a race for their lives, will they learn to trust one another and make an everlasting Rio Connection?


Jared drove into the drive and cut the engine. Marcia shot from the car and was taken aback when Sophia greeted her at the front door and enveloped her in outstretched arms. Unable to control the tears any longer, she broke down with much embarrassment, and sobbed all over Sophia’s slim shoulders.

“Oh, my dear. I’m so sorry for your brother. Such a sad situation. The hospital is a good one. They will make sure he will survive this horrid ordeal.”

Thankfully, Sophia misunderstood her tears thinking they were for her brother.

“They are doing all they can at the moment. Marcia needs rest. If you will get her a coffee, I’ll take her to her room. She’s exhausted.”

“Of course. You will take care of her. I will get the coffee and some pastry Kurt bought at the bakery this morning.”

Marcia drew back and took a deep breath, holding herself together. She didn’t need Jared taking her anywhere.”

“I can make it on my own, thanks. Coffee does sound lovely, Sophia. I’d love a cup,” she hiccupped.

“Nonetheless, I will make sure you make it up the stairs in one piece.”

Jared put his arms around her waist. She stepped out of his grasp, and tripped up the first step. He didn’t say a word, but once again captured her and pulled her close. Despite her chaotic feelings at the moment, she was tempted to rest her head on his shoulder. Breathe in his scent. Nuzzle her face into his neck. Feel the caress of his skin against hers one more time.

God, she was pathetic?


“Later.” He opened the door. “Take a shower. Sophie will have refreshments for you when you’re done. Get some sleep. I’ll be right next door if you need me. We’ll talk later.”

She turned, ready to refuse to be told what to do, only to see him close the door behind him on his way out. He left her standing, torn between being glad he hadn’t pressed her further, and wanting him to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay.

Yep. She was totally pathetic.

The bed looked inviting. If she caved in to her desire to sink onto the bed and into oblivion now, she’d never make it to the shower. Although a soothing bath sounded much better, she was too tired to immerse her exhausted body into a fragrant tub of water for fear she’d fall asleep and sink.

True to Sophia’s word, a tray with steaming coffee and pastries waited on the stand next to the bed when she finished her shower. A note with her name on it sat on the tray. Thinking it was from Jared, she took her time and devoured the scrumptious fruit pastry and downed the strong coffee. She gave into temptation, fluffed the pillows against the headboard, and sank into the deep cushioned mattress, and only then opened the letter. Her eyes popped wide in astonishment at the words childishly scribbled in awkward strokes. She closed her eyes, dropped the note in her lap, and took a deep breath. How to sneak out of the house tonight, and make her way to Sugar Loaf Mountain to meet with the men who had information about Russell’s abductors? Without Jared catching her in the act? Instructions were clear—she was to come alone or they would find a way to kill Russell and his family. They knew he was in the hospital. It wouldn’t be hard to end his life. But what about Bea and Heather? She couldn’t let anything happen to them. She had to go. But to go alone? She clutched the note, shut her eyes and prayed for the courage to do this one thing for her family.

Where had the note come from? Who sent it? Sophia must be aware of it—she’d placed it on the tray. Was she aware of its contents? The sender?

What a mess. She had the whole afternoon to figure out how she was going to leave without Jared knowing what she was doing—where she was going. She didn’t want him following her and risk putting her family in danger.

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Why is your featured book a must-read?

Rio Connection is full of excitement, fast-paced danger, romance, along with kidnapping and more kidnapping, during Rio’s Carnival. Another one of Carol Henry’s romantic suspense adventures that is a page turner and hard to put down. Not only does the hero have trust and commitment issues, but the heroine has responsibilities thrust upon her that lead her straight into danger searching for her brother on her honeymoon for one. Have you ever taken a chairlift up to Sugarloaf Mountain? Been stranded halfway up, and need to find a way back to safety? Marcia has. Check it out.

Giveaway –

Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 66 books featured in the Backlist Bonanza:

Open Internationally.

Runs August 25 – 31, 2020.

Winner will be drawn on September 7, 2020.

Author Biography:

Carol Henry is an award winning and #1 Amazon Best Selling author who writes contemporary romance, as well as Destination: Romance—Exotic, Romantic Suspense Adventures. Carol lives with her husband in the beautiful New York State Finger Lakes area where they are surrounded by family, friends, and wildlife. World travelers, Carol writes about her international adventures for major cruise lines' deluxe in-cabin books and magazines, and takes pleasure in sharing her adventures with her readers in her ‘Connection’ series. A local NYS historian, Carol has written several books on her town's history. For more information visit her website at:

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