Title: Yours...Mine...Always
Author: Cadence Vonn
Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense
Book Blurb:
Laura Barrett is a strong and determined woman. After surviving an attack by a sadistic stalker, she avoids relationships and focuses on her job, and most of all, her painting. Living day to day, she doesn’t believe in all that nonsense about karma…until her world spins upside down and she ends up in the arms of a stranger. Jonathan is the last Blacke brother without a partner. Unlike his siblings, he proclaims he’ll take his time falling in love—if ever. When he rescues Laura, his body betrays his conviction to stay single. He’ll protect her with his life if necessary. Sex with her is off the charts, but she’ll bolt and take his heart if the danger chasing her threatens his family. Destiny is a powerful force. It’ll take all his connections and sexual creativity to convince her to believe in fate…and his love.
My Review:
Laura Barrett is determined to never let another man control her as her sadistic stalker/ex-boyfriend did. But destiny has other plans and before she knows what hit her, she’s swept up in the arms of a stranger. Jonathan is a handsome stranger who ticks every box for her and when she realizes her stalker has returned, she flees with Jonathan to his home in PA. He vows to protect her with his life, if needs be, but what if something happens to him? She can’t risk it but the more she’s around Jonathan, the harder it is to run away. Can she put down roots with Jonathan, like she so desperately wants, or will wind up in the clutches of her evil stalker?
I’ve had the pleasure to read every book in the Blacke Brothers series and I have to confess Jonathan is my favorite Blacke brother. He’s built like Thor with a heart of gold and a fun, kinky sexual appetite. He knows the instant he holds Laura in his arms, it’s fate. He does everything in his power to break down the walls Laura has built up. He is the ideal man, in my opinion, and it was such fun reading his and Laura’s romance. The stalker subplot was so well-written, you’d think James Patterson wrote it. The emotions and reactions of Laura are realistic, so much so, I felt her panic and anxiety. The POV of the stalker creeped me out on several occasions and added authenticity to the plot. The kink was varied and boy was it HOT! I loved the ending so, so, much. If you’re looking for an unputdownable erotic romantic suspense with a swoon-worthy hero, pick up Yours…Mine…Always today. Highly recommend!
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
Cadence has been involved in the arts since she could pick up a crayon. She has a BFA in photography and silversmithing. If you get a glimpse of her notebooks you’ll discover she’s an accomplished doodler. She channels her daydreams into sizzling hot romances. Now she is living her dream with her husband with a view of Puget Sound outside her door.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CadenceVonn
Reviewed by: Mrs. N
Awesome! I can't wait to read them. I do love the weddings. 🥰
Thank you for the amazing review. Jonathan is also my favorite brother. Although he was the hardest one to write! I have plans for all the brothers to show up in other books. Maybe a few more weddings😉