Title: The Rogue’s Last Scandal
Author: Alina K. Field
Genre: Regency Romantic Adventure
Book Blurb:
Like any good rogue, he was after a lady.
Saving a young heiress from wedding a scoundrel might just ease Charley Everly’s boredom with his current assignment. He’s been looking for a lady: beautiful, rich, Spanish, and the key to a traitor.
Could Grace Kingsley be the one?
Falling—literally—into the arms of the ton’s most outrageous rogue seems a risky path of escape, but Maria Graciela Kingsley y Romero has no other choice. Only the great Earl of Shaldon can help her, and he is not to be found.
So his son will have to do.
A series of salons, parlors, and eating rooms were quiet, dark. At the back corner of the house, she opened a door and spotted a dim candle. It sputtered in the draft from the door, and her heart skittered with it. The light touched upon rows of books, running off into the dark. The room was otherwise unoccupied. Some foolish soul had left a candle burning among all these valuable tomes.
Fire was a great fear. Smoking below decks had been a punishable offense. The cook fire was always carefully watched.
She slid into the room and closed the door. Perhaps this room had a comfortable chair. Perhaps she could find respite here. In any case, a candle should not be left unguarded in a room like this, in a house like this.
As she neared the taper she saw that it was safely ensconced in a glass bell. She lifted the candle in its holder and looked around.
Volume after volume of rich leather, in all colors, circled the walls, from corner to corner and floor to ceiling—though that last was a guess as she could no way see the height of the shelving around her. She would have to visit this room in the day, to see what books were housed here. Perhaps there would be a volume of Cervantes that she could read to Francisca.
For now, it was the windows she must visit. Tall casement windows, they were. The drop from the first floor would not be much, but perhaps Shaldon had planted some spiky buganvilla below.
Although, buganvilla might not grow in this cold place, else she would have seen riotous color in someone’s garden. There would be some other sort of brambly bush. They would have to wrap Reina in blankets, and still she might cry.
She set the candle down, the light dancing and sparkling on the dark wooden table. Like everything else here, it was meticulously maintained. Except—she peered closer—for a small crescent of dust.
Shivering, she edged toward the window and looked out. The glow there must be the stables.
She slid the window latch and tugged at the window. It moved up without noise, letting in the dank London air.
Behind the house, shrubbery outlined the garden, but this way along the side of the house was clear, and not much of a drop. She rested her forehead on the window sash, letting the cool wood calm her, savoring the scents of new grass and flowers. Lady Perry had said they had roses and lilacs. She would miss those sweet garden smells, once she was free in Captain Llewellyn’s ship on the open seas.
Another scent wafted into her awareness and her chest squeezed again, making her heart race.
“You are hiding in the shadows,” she whispered. “Are you trying to frighten me?”
Charley Everly moved to her side and rested an elbow on the window ledge.
She looked up at him, and the tightening and racing all but convulsed her. He had shed both his coats. A scruff shadowed his jaw and chin, and his eyes glittered darkly. She heated, and chilled, and heated again.
Dios. She needed to get out of here.
“If you’re thinking to jump down there, then yes, I hope I am frightening you.”
“Don’t be silly. I’m in my nightclothes.”
He reached for the plait of hair that dangled over her shoulder and fingered it, his touch racing up the long tail and through her.
She gulped for air. With the talk of her nightclothes, she had given him an indecent opening. He was going to touch more than her hair. Perhaps he would even try to kiss her.
“Your nightclothes. I noticed.” The back of his hand brushed her sleeve, sending even more tingles through her. “I imagine the next time you peer out this window, you’ll be fully clothed.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-rogues-last-scandal-alina-k-field/1127585766?ean=2940158633492
Universal Book Link: https://books2read.com/u/bWRMzY
Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-rogue-s-last-scandal-sons-of-the-spy-lord-book-3-by-alina-k-field

If money were no object and there wasn’t a pandemic circling the world, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?
I’m answering this question on Day 8 of Social Distancing for the Covid 19 Pandemic. And so…oh, how I would love to simply spend Spring Break at home, with daily trips to the grocery store, the mall, or local museums without worrying about bringing home a deadly virus to my high-risk spouse! In life-threatening circumstances, the simple freedoms mean so much.
What’s your favorite thing about Spring and why?
I grew up in a four-season climate, so I know how amazing that first taste of milder weather, flowers, and first fruits can be. Spring is definitely something to celebrate!
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Author Biography:
Award-winning and USA Today bestselling author Alina K. Field earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature, but prefers the much happier world of romance fiction. Though her roots are in the Midwestern U.S., after six very, very, very cold years in Chicago, she moved to Southern California and hasn’t looked back. She shares a midcentury home with her husband and her spunky, blonde, rescued terrier.
She is the author of several Regency romances, including the 2014 Book Buyer’s Best winner, Rosalyn’s Ring. She is hard at work on her next series of Regency romances, but loves to hear from readers!
Social Media Links:
Newsletter signup: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/z6q6e3
Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Alina-K.-Field/e/B00DZHWOKY